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na północnowschodnim wybrzezu hiszpanii
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on the north-east coast of Spain
małe miasto otoczone falujacymi wzgorzami
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a small town surrounded by rolling hills
malownicze stare miasto
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picturesque old town
miasto ozywa w nocy
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the city comes alive at night
energetyczna atmosfera
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vibrant atmosphere
zdeterminowany aby
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determined to
zachowac hisotyczne centrum miasta
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preserve the historical center of the city
tetniace zyciem place
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bustling squares
urokliwe tylnie uliczki
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quaint backstreets
, zabudowa miejska
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, urban development
on zakazal samochodow
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he banned cars
sredniowieczne centrum
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medieval center
strefa dla pieszych
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pedestrian zone
miasto w ruinie
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city in decline
on pozbyl sie ulicznych parkingow
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he got rid of on street parking
podziemne parkingi
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underground car parks
na przedmiesciach miasta
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on the outskirts of the city
w odleglosci pieszej
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within walking distance
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zaniedbane centra miast
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shabby city centers
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liczbe zmiany
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numerous changes
smiertlene wypadki w centrum spadly do zera
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deaths in traffic accidents in the city centre have dropped to zero
emisje co2 spadly o 90%
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co2 emissions are down by 90%
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male firmy rozkwitly
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small businesses flourished
zanieczyszczenie halasem
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noise pollution
cwierkanie ptaszkow
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tweeting of birds

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