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question réponse
The exhibition disappointed her after all she had heard about it.
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decepcionar ED
La exposición la decepcionó después de todo lo que había escuchado sobre ella.
She squeezed his hand and said goodbye.
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apretar, estrujar ED
Ella le apretó la mano y dijo adiós.
bring / brought
I’ll bring plenty of food with me
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traer, llevar
Traeré mucha comida conmigo
He was shot in revenge for the murder.
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la venganza
le dispararon en venganza por el asesinato.
drive - drove - driven
he’s learning to drive.
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él está aprendiendo a conducir.
She was pulled out of the car and raped.
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violar ED
La sacaron del automóvil y la violaron.
They have just recorded a new album.
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registro, grabar ED
Acaban de grabar un nuevo álbum.
sleep, slept
Did you sleep well?
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¿Dormiste bien?
fit, fitted
How many people can fit in your car?
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Caber, colocar, en forma
¿Cuántas personas caben en tu automóvil?
Emergency aid was sent to the flood victims.
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Se envió ayuda de emergencia a las víctimas de las inundaciones.
The terrorists took three people with them as hostages
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secuestrado, rehen
Los terroristas se llevaron a tres personas con ellos como rehenes
It was such a relief when the exams were over.
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Fue un semejante alivio cuando los exámenes terminaron.

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