Mette og Imran har travlt

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De har travlt/ De har en travl hverdag
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They are busy/ They have a busy everyday life
Han er dyrlæge
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He is a veterinarian
Der er meget arbejde med hundene
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There is a lot of work with the dogs
De deler altid arbejdet
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They always share the work
at købe ind
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to shop
på vej hjem fra arbejde
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on the way home from work
Hun laver ikke så tit mad
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She doesn't cook very often
Det gør han/ hun
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He/she does
for det elsker han/ hun
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because he/she loves it
Hun sidder tit og google eller tjekker FB
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She often googles or checks FB
De han mange aktiviteter
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They he many activities
en biograf
De går i biografen eller på restaurant.
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a cinema
They go to the cinema or to a restaurant
andre steder
Men de tager også tit til store hundeshows med deres hunde - i DK eller andre steder i EU
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elsewhere (gdzie indziej)
But they also often go to large dog shows with their dogs - in DK or elsewhere in the EU
at vinde
De har store ambitioner, og de vinder tit.
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to win
They have big ambitions and they often win.
Hun er glad og tilfreds
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She is happy and content
at blive lidt stresset
Men nogle gange bliver hun lidt stresset.
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to get a little stressed
But sometimes she gets a little stressed.
Så synes hun ikke, han hjælper nok.
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Then she doesn't think he helps enough.
at blive sur/ at skænde
Så bliver hun sur, og så skændes de. Men de bliver altid gode venner igen.
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to get angry/ to argue
Then she gets mad, and then they argue. But they always become good friends again.

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