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kod kreskowy
commencer à apprendre
utrzymywać formę
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keep fit
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ból brzucha
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a stomach-ache
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to lose weight
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to pass out
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a cough
ból gardła
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a sore throat
ból głowy
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a headache
mieć mdłości
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to feel sick
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runny nose
cierpieć na
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to suffer from
stracić apetyt
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lose appetite
dojsc do siebie po chorobie
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recover from
mieć zawroty głowy
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to feel dizzy
mieć alergię na
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allergic to
miec astme
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be asthmatic
łagodzić niepokój / stres
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reduce anxiety / stress
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keep track of
zainteresować się czymś
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take sth up
bol w klatce piersiowej
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pain in the chest
bol w nodze
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pain in the leg
bol w barku
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pain in the shoulder
bolą mnie plecy
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My back hurts
źle się czuć
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to feel ill
boli mnie głowa
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my head hurts
boli mnie kciuk
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my thumb hurts
zmierzyć tętno
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check your pulse/heart rate
dokonywać wyborów
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make choices
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dostać wysypki
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come out in a rash/ in spots
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to hurt
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cut sth out

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