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oburzony, bardzo zdenerwowany [idiom] commencer à apprendre
seans składający się z dwóch filmów commencer à apprendre
premiera [w kinematografii] commencer à apprendre
mieć wielki wpływ [idiom] commencer à apprendre
They had held sway in France for a quarter of a century.
wystawny, pełen przepychu LUB hojny, obfity (osoba albo posiłek) commencer à apprendre
This dinner was lavish. I could eat everything I wanted. OR The costumes in the play were lavish!
samochód ze sztywnym dachem commencer à apprendre
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food products OR foodstuffs
explain: swing for the fence(s) commencer à apprendre
to make a big effort to do something that is very impressive or important, but is difficult to achieve, especially if there is a risk of failure Should we adjust our expectations to reality, or swing for the fences?
skrucha, żal za grzechy (w religii) commencer à apprendre
w ciągłych zmianach, ciągle zmieniający się, zmienny Sytuacja jest w tym momencie bardzo zmienna. commencer à apprendre
The situation is very much in flux at the moment.
rygorystyczny (o zasadzie), surowy (o przepisie) / ograniczony (rynek), ciasny (budżet) commencer à apprendre
zachowywać się nieodpowiednio LUB być nie na miejscu [idiom] commencer à apprendre
Things I said were out of line, I'm sorry.
wziąć coś pod uwagę, uwzględniać coś [phrasal verb] commencer à apprendre
You have to allow for the fact that I was sick all week. OR Did you allow for my opinion?
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dobra robota! [potocznie] commencer à apprendre
odradzać coś [phrasal verb] commencer à apprendre
My dad advised me against marrying this boy.
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szablon (do odrysowywania), matryca, wzornik commencer à apprendre
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to succeed in getting a law, agreement etc accepted quickly although a lot of people oppose it The government is trying to push through a package of measures to combat organised crime
kąśliwy, złośliwy (o człowieku) LUB drapiący (np. sweter) LUB kłujący (o roślinie) commencer à apprendre
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1. (of a storm, wind, or rain) blowing or beating fiercely and noisily, 2. talking in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way with little effect. a strong, blustering gale OR a blustering bully
zapomnieć języka w gębie [idiom] commencer à apprendre
She was tongue-tied because she's shy.
nikczemny (zamiar), podły (czyn) LUB niechlujny, obskurny (o pomieszczeniu) commencer à apprendre
the story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams OR the overcrowded housing conditions were sordid and degrading
poniżający (o traktowaniu), hańbiący, upadlający (o zachowaniu) commencer à apprendre
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I'm stupid because I shelled out 50 dollars for these tickets. OR I won't shell out 100 pounds for this scarf. It's not worth it.
być spłukanym, bez pieniędzy commencer à apprendre
nadziany, bogaty LUB nabity (o broni) LUB nawalony (AmE) commencer à apprendre
wyprowadzać, wypompować (nielegalnie, np. pieniądze) LUB przetaczać (syfonem), spuszczać za pomocą syfonu (płyn) commencer à apprendre
marnotrawstwo (pieniędzy) LUB marnować (pieniądze) commencer à apprendre
marnować, trwonić coś [phrasal verb] commencer à apprendre
nie mieć grosza przy duszy [idiom] commencer à apprendre
1. not have a penny to one's name, 2. not have a cent to one's name, 3. not have two pennies to rub together
w tę i z powrotem / w górę i w dół [przysłówek] commencer à apprendre
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chodzić tam i z powrotem [idiom] commencer à apprendre
pace back and forth OR pace up and down He paced up and down, waiting for the doctor to come back.
łatwo przyszło, łatwo poszło commencer à apprendre
easy come, easy go [proverb]
lepiej nie pożyczać komuś ani od nikogo [przysłowie] commencer à apprendre
neither a borrower nor a lender be [BrE][proverb]
ni pies, ni wydra [idiom] commencer à apprendre
bez ładu i składu [idiom] commencer à apprendre
explain: money is no object [idiom] commencer à apprendre
—used to say that someone is not concerned about the price of things When they take a vacation, money is no object.
pieniądz rządzi światem, świat kręci się wokół pieniądza [powiedzenie] commencer à apprendre
money makes the world go round [saying]
głupota i pieniądze nie idą w parze (przysłowie) commencer à apprendre
a fool and his money are soon parted [proverb]
to tell sb about sth that has happened [informal] commencer à apprendre
Fill me in on the family feud, I want to know every detail.
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to make an unkind refusal of a friendly offer, request or suggestion
explain: spell out [informal] commencer à apprendre
to explain sth in a simple, clear way Let me spell it out for you.
panaceum na coś (np. na czyjeś problemy) commencer à apprendre
mieć na coś wpływ, mieć przełożenie na coś To nie ma wpływu na naszą obecną sytuacją. commencer à apprendre
It has no bearing on our current situation. | syn. to have an influence on sth
obijać się, lenić się [phrasal verb] commencer à apprendre
oburzać się na coś [idiom] commencer à apprendre
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to talk idly or thoughtlessly OR to reveal a secret especially by indiscreet chatter She's always blabbing about her dog OR I don't like people who blab.
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dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure, e.g. 'his enemies gloated over his death'
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sugerować coś (w dyskusji), przywołać (w dyskusji), wprowadzić (do dyskusji) / poruszać (np. kwestię) commencer à apprendre
A future fourth book has been mooted by the author.
ja stawiam! / ja zapraszam! commencer à apprendre
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srogi (o tonie głosu), nieugięty (o osobie), surowy (o spojrzeniu) On rzucił mi swoje najbardziej surowe spojrzenie. commencer à apprendre
He gave me his most stern look.
płeć piękna (staromodne określenie na kobiety) commencer à apprendre
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aksamitny (np. głos, ale również dosłownie) commencer à apprendre
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rzeczowy, prozaiczny, praktyczny LUB istotny, realny commencer à apprendre
she tried to keep her tone light and matter-of-fact (= unemotional and practical)
słodki, melodyjny (np. głos) commencer à apprendre
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economic factors affecting the price, demand and availability of a commodity
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opryskliwy, szorstki (np. głos, zachowanie) commencer à apprendre
więcej niż trzeba, więcej niż oczekiwano (np. zapłacić) commencer à apprendre
over the odds (e.g. to pay over the odds)
znachor, szarlatan (ktoś, kto udaje lekarza) LUB konował [BrE][potocznie] commencer à apprendre
stawić żagle (wypłynąć w morze) [idiom] commencer à apprendre
When do you want to set sail?
osoba niepożądana LUB niepożądany (np. o skutkach) Nie chcę tego kryminalisty i innych osób niepożądanych w moim mieście. commencer à apprendre
I don't want that criminal and other undesirables in my city.
wysiadanie (z samolotu, statku), opuszczanie (pokładu) LUB wyładowywanie (towaru), rozładowywanie (statku, samolotu) commencer à apprendre
skrobia (np. ziemniaczana) commencer à apprendre
skrobiowy, bogaty w skrobię (o żywności) LUB sztywny, nadęty (o osobie) [BrE] commencer à apprendre
na kwotę... [nieformalne] commencer à apprendre
to the tune of something (= in the approximate amount mentioned) he was in debt to the tune of forty thousand pounds
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take to the road / hit the road
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Studenci wyszli na ulice, by protestować przeciw nowym rozporządzeniom. commencer à apprendre
The students took to the streets to protest against the new regulations.
niedostatek wiedzy to rzecz niebezpieczna [przysłowie] commencer à apprendre
a little learning is a dangerous thing
mieć nosa do czegoś, mieć naturalny dryg do czegoś On musi mieć naturalny dryg do języków. commencer à apprendre
He has to have a nose for languages.
wypchnąć, usunąć siłą [phrasal verb] On wypchnął mnie z pokoju i trzasnął drzwiami. commencer à apprendre
He forced me out of the room and slammed the door.
być skąpanym (w świetle), pokrywać (coś barwą) Miasto było skąpane w świetle księżyca. commencer à apprendre
The city was suffused with moonlight. OR the city was suffused with sunlight.
okazać się sukcesem, być bardzo dobrym lub przyjemnym (np. o imprezie) commencer à apprendre
rozlecieć się na kawałki LUB załamać się psychicznie commencer à apprendre
go to pieces / fall to pieces
z kostkami lodu, z lodem (np. drink) LUB w opłakanym stanie, pogrążony w bankructwie commencer à apprendre
stracić grunt pod nogami, gubić się (np. w sytuacji), znaleźć się w kropce commencer à apprendre
be out of one's depth [idiom]
utrzymujący się na powierzchni LUB pogodny, napawający optymizmem LUB rosnący, prężny (np. gospodarka) commencer à apprendre
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come unstuck / become unstuck
stracić okazję, przegapić okazję [idiom] commencer à apprendre
wycofać się w porę (żeby więcej nie stracić) [idiom] commencer à apprendre
If she says, "You're really sweet", cut your losses and walk away.
poradzić sobie z czymś bez problemów [phrasal verb] commencer à apprendre
utrzymać czyjeś zainteresowanie commencer à apprendre
mieć niewiele zainteresowania dla czegoś commencer à apprendre
The remainder of the concert held little interest.
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someone can hold their drink
czas jest po twojej stronie commencer à apprendre
czasu ani morza nie da się zatrzymać, czas nie czeka na nikogo [przysłowie] commencer à apprendre
time and tide wait for no man OR time waits for no man
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ogrodzić LUB zarezerwować, wyodrębnić (na jakiś cel) commencer à apprendre
explain: frontline service commencer à apprendre
a service, such as the education or health system, that is run by the government to provide services directly to members of the public Local government wants to improve frontline services for children and old folk.
dobrowolne odejście z pracy [BrE] commencer à apprendre
At the end of the academic year 2008/2009 Jenkins took voluntary redundancy.
nieuzasadnione / bezprawne zwolnienie z pracy commencer à apprendre
wrongful / unfair dismissal
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industrial tribunal [BrE] or labour court
kres, koniec (np. małżeństwa) [idiom] commencer à apprendre
the end of the road OR the end of the line
górnolotny (np. styl mówienia) commencer à apprendre
cecha charakterystyczna, znamię LUB kolczyk, piętno (na żywym towarze commencer à apprendre
1. obrok, pasza LUB 2. pożywka commencer à apprendre
1. This fodder will be good for our animals., 2. This gossip is fodder for newspapers.
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the value of all of a person's money and possessions His personal worth is estimated at five million dollars.
typu osobistego (np. problemy) commencer à apprendre
pochłonięty czymś, zaabsorbowany commencer à apprendre
"Caught up in conversations of our personal worth."
błysk, połysk LUB żyrandol commencer à apprendre
lustre [BrE] / luster [AmE] I love the lustre of your eyes. OR There was a huge golden lustre (or chandelier or pendant) on the ceiling.
kwiecisty (o języku, mowie) LUB kwiecisty (o wzorze, łące) LUB kwiatowy (zapach) commencer à apprendre
My mother loves flowery shirts. OR I don't like his books because of his flowery language. OR My girlfriend likes flowery perfumes.
kwaskowy, kwaskowaty, kwaśny (smak) LUB uszczypliwy, zgryźliwy (o uwadze, komentarzu) commencer à apprendre
Whenever I eat a tart kiwi fruit I have a stomachache. OR I am fed up with his tart remarks.
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drażniący (np. zapach), gryzący (np. dym, opary) LUB cierpki, zgryźliwy, uszczypliwy (np. uwaga, ton głosu) commencer à apprendre
pachnący stęchlizną, zatęchły, stęchły commencer à apprendre
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It seems impossible, but you can feel his stench all the way up here.
arogancki, bezczelny (np. osoba, sposób zachowania) LUB krzykliwe, zbyt kolorowe (o ubraniach) commencer à apprendre
Don't you think that suit's a bit brash for a funeral? OR He's a brash young banker.
aliteracja (używanie słów zaczynających się na tą samą literę) commencer à apprendre
obrzydliwy, wstrętny, ohydny, paskudny commencer à apprendre
zbierać się, wychodzić (skądś lub od kogoś) [spoken] commencer à apprendre
I suppose I ought to be making tracks.
stracić poczucie czasu [idiom] commencer à apprendre
Is it five o'clock already? I've lost track of time.
Stanąłem jak wryty, gdy zobaczyłem ducha. commencer à apprendre
stop dead in one's tracks OR stop dead I stopped dead when I saw the ghost.
dach kryty strzechą, strzecha commencer à apprendre
z otworkami, podziurkowany commencer à apprendre
ze śladami po ospie, dziobaty commencer à apprendre
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tree-lined (e.g. an avenue)
wyludniać (okolicę) LUB pustoszyć LUB opuszczać (kogoś w potrzebie) commencer à apprendre
The war desolated our country.
pójść na skróty, przeciąć coś (np. pole) LUB pociąć w poprzek czegoś commencer à apprendre
przedrzeć się przez coś (np. przez las) commencer à apprendre
hack one's way through sth
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climb or move in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet. wdrapywać się, gramolić się
wtrącać się, przerywać (np. wypowiedź, rozmowę) LUB zajechać drogę (samochodem) LUB włączać się w odpowiednim momencie (np. maszyna) commencer à apprendre
She kept cutting in and annoying everyone. OR The police cut us in.
pokroić, posiekać LUB pociąć [phrasal verb] commencer à apprendre
1. She cut up my dress. OR 2. Can you cut up the vegetables?
przygnębiony, przybity, nie mogący się pozbierać [BrE][informal] commencer à apprendre
1. oczywisty, bezdyskusyjny LUB 2. stereotypowy, szablonowy commencer à apprendre
cut-and-dried (= clear and simple nad removing any further uncertainty or difficulty) 1. This was a cut-and-dried decision for me., 2. I was angered by his cut-and-dried statement.
explain: play the wall [slang] commencer à apprendre
When you don't get any play at a party and your left standing on the side alone. - "Hey man did you get any dances at the party last night?" - "No man, I had to play the wall the entire night."
chwiejny, chybotliwy, rozklekotany (np. mebel) commencer à apprendre
Careful! That chair's a bit rickety. OR The recession put a lot of strain on an already rickety economic system. [= said figuratively]
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1. a small military camp or position at some distance from the main army, used especially as a guard against surprise attack. OR a remote part of a country or empire. 1. troops in some outposts have surrendered, 2. a few scattered outposts along the west coast
explain: say goodbye to sth [idiom] commencer à apprendre
to accept that you will not have something any more or that you will not get it Once you have kids, you can say goodbye to going out every weekend.
explain: chuffed or proper chuffed [BrE][informal] commencer à apprendre
wierne odbicie, wierna kopia [idiom] To jest wierna kopia pierwszego wydania tej książki. commencer à apprendre
That's a carbon copy of this book's first edition
bułka z masłem, pestka (coś banalnie łatwego) [BrE][potocznie] commencer à apprendre
trudny orzech do zgryzienia [BrE][informal] commencer à apprendre
it's no doddle OR hard nut to crack
nie robić komuś żadnej różnicy commencer à apprendre
widzieć jako coś, postrzegać jako coś [phrasal verb] commencer à apprendre
We looked on her as a daughter. OR I've lived there so long I look on the town as my home.
siedzenie obok kierowcy, przednie siedzenie, przednie miejsce (w samochodzie) [AmE] Zaklepuję siedzenie obok kierowcy! commencer à apprendre
sposób czegoś, metoda czegoś commencer à apprendre
mode of sth (e.g. mode of transport, mode of conduct)
explain: set sth/someone back commencer à apprendre
to delay or stop the progress of someone or something A sustained rise in oil prices could set back the recovery.
drewniany szpikulec (na szaszłyki) OR rożen, metalowy pręt (do grilla) commencer à apprendre
He put the meat on the skewer.
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domowe przetwory (dżemy, ogórki, itd.) commencer à apprendre
My mum taught me how to make homemade preserves
przygotowany na zapas (o potrawie) / uprzednio ugotowany commencer à apprendre
pójść po rozum do głowy, opamiętać się [idiom] commencer à apprendre
come to one's senses [idiom]
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A prudent woman always has with her pepper spray.
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a project or scheme tentatively announced in order to test public opinion My guess is that Netflix is using these Nike workouts as a trial balloon for future ventures into lifestyle content.
explain: scattergun [adjective] commencer à apprendre
involving doing something to a lot of things or people without any organized plan, rather than doing it to particular things or people Don't have a scattergun approach - calling everyone you know to see if there is a job going - but work out what you want from different people.
tracić grunt pod nogami [idiom] commencer à apprendre
be on shaky ground (= weak and likely to break down, collapse, or fail; not strong or well-supported) Their marriage is on shaky ground.
błogosławieństwo i przekleństwo czegoś [powiedzenie] commencer à apprendre
All this work is either a boon or a bane—we'll find out which when we see if the workers can keep up with it all.
przepoławiać, zmniejszać o połowę commencer à apprendre
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alert, watchful, vigilant
w granicach zdrowego rozsądku [idiom] commencer à apprendre
You can say whatever you like, within reason.
jechać na oparach [idiom] commencer à apprendre
The organisation had been running on fumes for months, so it's not surprising that they closed their doors.
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the act of stating something that is false or not accurate He said he made minor misstatements but denied deliberately lying under oath.
explain: trickle down (in the context of wealth) commencer à apprendre
(of wealth) gradually benefit the poorest as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest Investment in the country's natural resources is failing to trickle down to the local population.
odprawa (z tytułu rozwiązania stosunku pracy) commencer à apprendre
severance package or allowance or pay
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unemployment benefit [BrE] or benefits [AmE] You're not entitled to claim unemployment benefit.
tryb postępowania karnego prawo wszczęcia ścigania karnego commencer à apprendre
right to initiate criminal prosecution
osoba zależna (na czyimś utrzymaniu) commencer à apprendre
dependant [BrE] / dependent [AmE]
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not having or following a particular style or structure The third section was a free-form improvisation where musicians explored the network performance space.
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Tapestry's the only thing in the whole room.
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(in business or politics) a significant change in policy or attitude, especially one that results in an improvement or increase There has been a step change in our understanding of the problem.
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to act as if something is true when it is not He's just going to make believe that things are fine in spite of the divorce.
when to use the phrase "each to his/their own"? commencer à apprendre
it's used to say that everyone likes different things You actually like modern jazz, do you? Each to their own. OR I'm not personally a fan of model trains, but each to their own.
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advertising campaign OR publicity campaign our publicity campaign had been really controversial.
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jechać na tym samym wózku [idiom] commencer à apprendre
to be in the same boat (as sb) [idiom]
hamować, powstrzymywać, utrudniać (np. rozwój, proces) commencer à apprendre
explain: shoot from the hip [idiom] commencer à apprendre
1. to speak in a very direct and honest way, 2. to react quickly, w/out thinking carefully about sth 1. Jeff is a straight talker who always shoots from the hip., 2. He often shoots from the hip without having all the facts.
świadczyć o czymś, wskazywać na coś, być przejawem czegoś commencer à apprendre
be indicative of something Resumption of the talks is indicative of an improving relationship between the countries.
what's the gift of the gab? commencer à apprendre
If someone has the gift of the gab, they are able to speak easily and confidently, and to persuade people. You can also say the gift of gab, especially in American English. They are naturally good salesmen with the gift of the gab.
What are 'out of pocket' expenses? commencer à apprendre
Out-of-pocket expenses are those which you pay out of your own money on behalf of someone else, and which are often paid back to you later. I charge twenty dollars an hour plus out-of-pocket expenses.
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used to describe someone or something that is not special or specific I don't care where I sleep. Any old couch will do. OR She won't drink just any old tea; it has to be a certain kind.
explain: push sth forward commencer à apprendre
to continue doing something or making progress in something, with effort or enthusiasm An additional grant has enabled the team to push forward with research plans.
dziedziczny (np. choroba, tytuł arystokratyczny) commencer à apprendre
skarcić, strofować / uczyć pokory commencer à apprendre
właściciel zakładu pogrzebowego commencer à apprendre
undertaker [BrE], mortician [AmE]
obskurantyzm, wrogie nastawienie do postępu, zacofanie, ciemnota umysłowa, kołtuństwo commencer à apprendre
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wytrwałość (w dążeniach), gorliwość, sumienność commencer à apprendre
upokarzanie (się), upadlanie (się) LUB obniżanie wartości (waluty) commencer à apprendre
pobór, werbunek, konskrypcja commencer à apprendre
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If something is secular, it isn't connected with religion.
sprzeniewierzenie się (wartościom, ideom), odstępstwo (od zasad), zdrada (np. lojalności) commencer à apprendre
1. przestrzeganie (zasad, reguł), 2. przywiązanie, wierność commencer à apprendre
1. Adherence to the rules is the foundation of our society., 2. I admire his adherence to her.
fala pływowa, fala pływu LUB fala uczuć (np. gniewu) commencer à apprendre
dżuma (medycznie) LUB zaraza, epidemia commencer à apprendre
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wytwórczy, produkcyjny LUB rozrodczy (o organach, możliwościach) commencer à apprendre
odcień, zabarwienie (kolorem) LUB odrobina, domieszka commencer à apprendre
I feel joy with a tincture of sadness.
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on a large scale; from a broad point of view e.g. a problem seen in large
leżący na antypodach, antypodyczny LUB leżący na przeciwnym końcu (np. komórki, ciała) commencer à apprendre
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nieobliczalny, nieprzewidywalny, nieoszacowany (np. o stracie, zniszczeniach) LUB nieoceniony, wyjątkowy commencer à apprendre
e.g. incalculable consequences
pojednawczy (o czynie) LUB pokojowy, nastawiony pokojo commencer à apprendre
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race against time OR race against the clock
krnąbrny, niesforny / marudny commencer à apprendre
My puppy is fractious, so I have a hard time schooling it. OR a fractious child
rozpracować coś, wybadać coś, rozgryźć coś [nieformalnie[ commencer à apprendre
suss something out [BrE][informal] Don’t worry about how we’re getting there – I’ve got it sussed (or sussed out).
w okresie spoczynku, nie prowadzący działalności (np. organizacja) LUB uśpiony (np. wulkan) LUB śpiący snem zimowym (np. niedźwiedź) commencer à apprendre
1. nijaki, bez charakteru 2. nieinteresujący, nudny (o krajobrazie) commencer à apprendre
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not expectant or expecting; surprising expectant = wyczekujący, pełen wyczekiwania, np. The concert starts in 5 minutes and the crowd is expectant.
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so surprised, shocked, or interested that you continue to look at or listen to someone or something without moving Ella stood transfixed in shock and disbelief.
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dzisiejszy, współczesny, aktualny commencer à apprendre
przechodzić zmiany, być poddanym przeróbce commencer à apprendre
przeróbki, poprawki krawieckie commencer à apprendre
I’m having some alterations made to the dress.
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przedwcześnie dojrzały (o dziecku), wcześnie rozwinięty (np. umiejętność) commencer à apprendre
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1. to add yeast to a bread mixture so that it will contain air and will be bigger and lighter, 2. LITERARYto add something that makes a situation, story, film etc more interesting, funny, or exciting
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1. a large impressive building (= gmach), 2. a complicated system or policy 2. The whole edifice of EU environmental policy is threatened by this bill.
Większość głosów była wymagana, aby projekt ustawy przeszedł. commencer à apprendre
A majority of votes was needed for the bill to pass.
explain: interweave (adj: interwoven) commencer à apprendre
to closely connect or mix different things together, or to be closely connected or mixed together It’s a long novel with several interwoven stories. OR He interweaves traditional songs with contemporary music.
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[HUMOROUS] someone or something that represents a particular quality, idea, or activity William is a poster child for incompetence. | WIKI: "In modern times, a "poster child" is a person of any age whose attributes or behaviour are emblematic of a known cause, movement, circumstance or ideal."
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disclosure of one's private feelings, thoughts, etc., especially when unintentional
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including or covering everything or everyone; comprehensive OR including or affecting everyone or everything This all-embracing assumption is most improbable but it is justifiable since it never lets us down. OR His hospitality was instantaneous and all-embracing
ulegać czemuś, poddawać się czemuś, podporządkowywać się czemuś commencer à apprendre
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1. We need to ascertain whether the project is feasible. 2. This much could easily be ascertained from the newspapers. 3. Experts were unable to ascertain the cause of the accident. 4. The police have ascertained that he knew the victim.
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all the cases that someone is responsible for dealing with at the same time, especially a doctor, lawyer, or social worker She has a heavy caseload (=many cases).
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1. We have to draw the jig, then we can move on to more specific design. 2. I made sure that the jigs were tightened
narzędzie z napędem elektrycznym (np. wiertarka) commencer à apprendre
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a decision to believe that something is true or will happen although you have no proof
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sztyca rowerowa (kijek do siodełka) commencer à apprendre
środkowy, przeciętny, umiarkowany commencer à apprendre
middle-of-the-road opinions, attitudes, styles etc are not extreme
explain: up against something commencer à apprendre
in a very difficult situation, or with a serious problem to deal with The process could take weeks, but I’m up against a deadline. OR We’ve really been up against it this year, trying to keep production up with demand.
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on day one / from day one
fuszerka, praca wykonana niezdarnie commencer à apprendre
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Police officers had botched the entire investigation. OR I’ve botched this up in a couple of places.
1. uchwyt, rączka, ucho LUB 2. bieżnik (na podeszwie buta) commencer à apprendre
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parcel tape or packaging tape Secure the package well with a parcel tape.
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bear resemblance to somebody OR take after somebody Who do you take after - your father or your mother?
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fashionable and expensive a swanky restaurant/hotel/car
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podstawowy produkt (o stałym, dużym zapotrzebowaniu) commencer à apprendre
staple (usually used as 'staples') The recent dramatic price increases, particularly for rice, maize and other staples, are of course another major reason why many people do not have enough food.
być w depresji, mieć chandrę (o człowieku), znajdować się w zastoju (np. gospodarka) [idiom] commencer à apprendre
własny, osobisty interest commencer à apprendre
Of course, I had a vested interest in getting it right.
zirytowany [przestarzałe] commencer à apprendre
explain: if/when it comes to the crunch [idiom] commencer à apprendre
if/when a situation becomes extremely serious and a decision must be made If it comes to the crunch and you and your husband do split up, you can always stay with us.
explain: unadjudicated [law] commencer à apprendre
If a crime or legal case is unadjudicated, a judge has not made a formal decision about it The court left the claim unadjudicated.
explain: have the inside track [idiom] commencer à apprendre
to have a special position within an organization, or a special relationship with a person that gives you advantages that other people do not have
explain: a shot in the arm [idiom] commencer à apprendre
sth that has a sudden and positive effect on sth, providing encouragement and new activity Fresh investment would provide the shot in the arm that this industry so badly needs.
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A new coat of paint would liven the kitchen up OR Liven up your meals with fresh herbs and spices.
zaległości w opłatach / długi [finanse] commencer à apprendre
mieć zaległości, zalegać ze spłatą, zalegać z płatnością [prawne] commencer à apprendre
Some had already left because pay was so far in arrears. OR Salaries for teachers are six months in arrears.
mieć coś do stracenia, osobiście się zaangażować, zaryzykować własną skórą (zwłaszcza finansowo) commencer à apprendre
have skin in the game [idiom] You are more trusted when you have some skin in the game.
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noun: weight OR importance, verb: lift or carry (sth heavy; syn: hoist) I watched him heft the heavy sack onto his shoulder.
nadal żywy (np. nadzieja), nadal jaśniejący pełnym blaskiem commencer à apprendre
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oszczędny jeśli chodzi o małe kwoty, a rozrzutny w przypadku dużych sum [idiom] commencer à apprendre
penny-wise and pound-foolish
jak się powiedziało A, to trzeba powiedzieć B [język mówiony] commencer à apprendre
in for a penny, in for a pound (or dime and dollar)
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explain: break new/fresh ground [idiom] commencer à apprendre
to do or discover something new This film broke ground for women's liberation. OR The state is breaking new ground with its reforms.
rozchodzić nowe buty [phrasal verb] commencer à apprendre
świeżo zmielony (np. kawa) commencer à apprendre
fresh-ground or freshly ground
odważny, rezolutny, hardy commencer à apprendre
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angular or boxy (ant: round)
być w sprzeczności (z czymś, kimś) commencer à apprendre
to be at odds with sth/sb My boss is at odds with Mary.
nowe budownictwo, nowa zabudowa Oni kupili mieszkanie w nowym budownictwie. commencer à apprendre
They bought an apartment in the development.
tereny podmokłe, bagna lub błotny, podmokły, bagienny commencer à apprendre
To get to the city, you'll have to travel through the wetlands. or There are wetland territories all around the castle.
explain: to exchange contracts [v] / exchange of contracts [n] commencer à apprendre
to complete the final stage of buying a house by signing a contract with the seller; after this the sale cannot legally be stopped Before exchange of contracts either the seller or the buyer can withdraw without having to make any payment.
radca prawny, adwokat (w Wielkiej Brytanii) commencer à apprendre
zwlekać z czymś, ociągać się, działać opieszale LUB powłóczyć nogami [idiom] commencer à apprendre
All of a sudden you're dragging your feet on this thing.
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1. tending or intended to cause delay 2. characterized by procrastination 1. dilatory tactics, 2. dilatory in paying bills
oskarżyciel, strona pozywająca commencer à apprendre
explain: turnkey delivery [property] commencer à apprendre
typically means the development and delivery of a facility ready-for-use by the occupants.
przespać się z czymś (odłożyć podjęcie ważnej decyzji na następny dzień) commencer à apprendre
Do yourself a favour. Sleep on it and make a decision later.
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by mutual agreement of the parties
zapominać o urazach; co było, to było; puszczać w niepamięć commencer à apprendre
rozpętało się piekło [idiom] commencer à apprendre
explain: take it on the chin commencer à apprendre
to accept unpleasant events bravely and without complaining One of her great strengths is her ability to take it on the chin.
plasterek (szynki, bekonu) commencer à apprendre
To serve, place a rasher of bacon on each muffin half.
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do one's best, give one's all, give one's best
explain: in someone's eyes [idiom] commencer à apprendre
And although she was probably just an ordinary-looking kid, in my eyes she was the most beautiful child on the face of the planet.
explain: have priority (over) [idiom] commencer à apprendre
to require being dealt with or done first or to be more important than sth else The house needs lots of work but getting my debts paid has priority. or Health concerns should have priority over comfort.
manipulować kimś, grać na kimś jak się chce [idiom] commencer à apprendre
play someone like a fiddle/violin Don't you see that she's playing you like a fiddle?
explain: to amount to nothing commencer à apprendre
1. To fail to become successful or significant. 2. To result in no tangible or appreciable difference. 1. My play has yet to get one positive review, and I'm really worried it will amount to nothing. 2. I worked really hard on my pitch, but it all amounted to nothing.
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1. things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time. 2. collectable items that were originally expected to have only short-term usefulness or popularity. Ephemera are generally things that are printed for a specific occasion or purpose and aren't meant to last after their original use. Examples are: theatre programs, posters for events, ticket stubs, political leaflets, and bumper stickers.
odcinek kontrolny (biletu, rachunku) lub niedopałek (papierosa) commencer à apprendre
stub or stump (e.g. ticket stub)
obżerać się, wpieprzać [potocznie] commencer à apprendre
explain: go all out (for sth) [idiom] commencer à apprendre
to put all your energy or enthusiasm into what you are doing The team went all out for a win.
explain: go against the flow [idiom] commencer à apprendre
to do or say the opposite of what most people are doing or saying With this new book, she is going against the flow.
explain: anomalously [adverb] commencer à apprendre
in a way that is different from what is usual, or not in agreement with something else and therefore not satisfactory It is anomalously warm for February in Boston. or Oil prices seem anomalously low.
przeklinać, bluzgać, sobaczyć commencer à apprendre
cuss [spoken] / swear / curse
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nieznane wody, niepewny grunt, niezbadane obszary (coś potencjalnie niebezpiecznego) [idiom commencer à apprendre
uncharted waters or murky waters After the outbreak of the pandemic, the economy moved into murky waters. or I don't want to enter the uncharted waters of drug trafficking.
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an instruction made by an account holder to make regular payments to specified people or organization
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explain: have come a long way [idiom] commencer à apprendre
to have advanced to an improved or more developed state Information technology has come a long way in the last 20 years.
explain: all bark and no bite [idiom] commencer à apprendre
Full of big talk but lacking action, power, or substance; pretentious. or Often making cutting remarks, but having a gentle personality underneath.
objaśniać, wyjaśniać, naświetlać commencer à apprendre
elucidate (also: explain, clarify)
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1. remove sth 2. learn sth from an experience/activity 3. subtract 1. Take these chairs away or Supermarkets are taking business away from small local shops. 2. What do you hope people will take away from this? 3. 200 take away 189 doesn't leave very much!
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to always pretend to be the underdog, the victim in every problem in his/her life, which is very annoying, fake, childish
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breeze-block, hollow tile or cavity block
odruchowa reakcja, nerwowa reakcja (na czyjąś wypowiedź, jakieś wydarzenie) [idiom] commencer à apprendre
When asked about crime, the mayor’s knee-jerk reaction is to call for longer prison sentences.
zmniejszać sie stopniowo (np. o zainteresowaniu), cichnąć (o burzy) commencer à apprendre
The calls have tapered off but still average 20 a month.
informować, poinformować, powiadamiać, powiadomić commencer à apprendre
explain: take a back seat (to somebody/something) commencer à apprendre
to have less influence or importance Foreign policy will take a back seat to domestic problems for a while.
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a huge amount of money; a fortune. That diamond necklace must have cost a king's ransom.
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Metals such as lead and copper and zinc are found in a trace amount in all sediments.
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I also checked the other drains and the outfalls.
szacować, wyceniać / wartościować, oceniać [oficjalnie] commencer à apprendre
How to appraise the value of the business?
w tym celu... [oficjalnie] commencer à apprendre
to that end or to this end He wanted to discuss his position and arranged a meeting to this end.
najmniejsze z twoich zmartwień commencer à apprendre
the least of your problems
doniosły, ważny, wielkiej wagi commencer à apprendre
Going abroad was a momentous decision.
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1. likely to be harmed or damaged 2. because of being threatened 1. An ancient religious custom is under threat. 2. Any contract made under threat of violence is not legal.
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The manager stated that his decision was not open to further discussion
zobaczyć kogoś/coś w przelocie lub biegu commencer à apprendre
catch sight (or glimpse) of sb/sth
podążać w kierunku czegoś, zmierzać ku czemuś commencer à apprendre
make one's way towards sth Passengers were instructed to make their way down the bus by the driver.