Matylda Unit 4

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question réponse
On jest na stole.
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He is on the table.
Lampa jest na stole
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The lamp is on the table
Kawa inka jest w szafce
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Inka coffee is in the cupboard
Pociąg jest pod ziemią
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The train is underground
Książka jest pod łóżkiem
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The book is under the bed
Szafka jest obok drzwi
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The cupboard is next to the door
Gdzie jest mój dywan?
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Where is my carpet?
Gdzie jest moja lalka?
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Where's my doll
To nie jest pod łóżkiem
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It's not under the bed
To nie jest obok drzwi
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It isn't next to the door
To jest na stole
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It is on the table
Ile lamp jest w pokoju?
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How many lamps are in the room?
Ile lalek jest na łóżku?
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How many dolls are on the bed?

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