MATURA - wyrażanie własnej opinii

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question réponse
Jeśli o mnie chodzi...
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As far as I am concerned...
O ile mi wiadomo...
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As far as I know...
O ile dobrze pamiętam...
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As far as I remember...
Jestem przekonany, że...
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I am convinced that...
Jestem pewien, że...
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I am sure that...
Jeśli chodzi o mnie...
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When it comes to me...
Osobiście uważam, że...
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Personally, I think that...
Mówi się, że...
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One can say that...
Z mojego punktu widzenia...
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From my point of view...
Mówiąc wprost...
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Strictly/frankly speaking...
Szczerze mówiąc...
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Frankly speaking...
Na tyle na ile wiem...
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To the best of my knowledge...
O ile mi wiadomo...
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To the best of my knowledge...
Moje zdanie na ten temat jest takie, że...
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My own view on the matter is that...
Należy wspomnieć, że...
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It's important to mention that...
Co do... Co tyczy się...
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As regards...
Jestem z siebie dumna
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I am proud of myself
Przede wszystkim
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First of all
Po pierwsze
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Po drugie
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Po trzecie
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Poza tym.../ Zresztą...
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Co więcej...
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What is more...
Chcę podkreślić, że...
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I want to press the point...
Warto wspomnieć, że...
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It is worth mentioning that...
Moim zdaniem...
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In my opinion...
Ja widzę to tak...
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The way I see it...
W moim rozumieniu...
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The way I see it...
Jestem stuprocentowo pewna, że...
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I'm absolutely positive that...
Jestem raczej pewna...
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I'm quite sure...

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