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na tych trzech zdjeciach pokazane sa...
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The three photos show...
widze trzy rozne...
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I can see three different...
mamy do wyboru dwa plakaty
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we’ve got two posters to choose from
mysle, ze wybralabym..., poniewaz...
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I think I’d choose... because...
pierwsze zdjecie wydaje sie najlepsza opcja, poniewaz...
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picture one seems to be the best option because...
mysle, ze trzecia propozycja bylaby najlepsza, poniewaz...
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i think option three would be best because...
mysle, ze pierwsza ulotka najlepiej wyraza...
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i think the first leaflet best expresses...
przyciagajacy uwage
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sklada do refleksji
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zdecydowanie nie wybatalabym plakatu nr jeden, poniewaz...
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I definitely wouldn't choose poster one because...
drugie zdjecie nie wydaje mi sie zbyt atrakcyjne
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i don’t find the second photo very attractive
oczywista wada trzeciej ulotki jest...
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the obvious disadvantage of the third leaflet is...
wyglada interesujaco, ale nie bylby to moj pierwszy wybor
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it looks quite interesting, but it wouldn't be my first choice
widze zarowno zalety jak i wady
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i can see pros and cons of...
glowna wada to...
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the main disadvantage is that...
jest silny argument przeciw
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there is a strong argument against
glownym powodem jest...
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the main reason is that...
z jednej strony... z drugiej strony...
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on the one hand... on the other hand...
mysle, ze jest to wazne, poniewaz...
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I think it’s important because...
po pierwsze
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first of all
po drugie
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poza tym
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what is more
nie tylko to, lecz takze
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not only that, but also
nie mowiac o tym, ze
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not to mention the fact that
podsumowujac (2)
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to sum up/all in all
na przyklad
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for example
... taki jak...
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... such as...

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