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question réponse
akceptować coś, godzić się na coś
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agree with
I agree with my boss about the problem.
przepraszać za
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apologize for
The rude boy apologized for his unpleasent behavior.
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applied adj
składać wniosek lub podanie, zgłaszać się
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apply for
I've applied for a new job.
kłócić się o coś
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arque about
We always arque about money.
kłócić się z kimś
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arque with
I I used to arque with my sister a lot.
przybywać, przyjeżdżać, przychodzić
to get to a place
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When he first arrived in New York, he didn't speak a word of English. We were the last to arrive at the station.
wierzyć w
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believe in
I don't believe in ghosts.
należęć do
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belong to
The bag belongs to me.
wybierać pomiędzy czymś
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choose between
I can't choose between these two skirt.
marzyć, śnić o
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dream abot
I dream about a new car.
śmiać się z kogoś/czegoś
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laugh at somebody/something
I can't go into work looking like this - everyone will laugh at me.
z niecierpliwością oczekiwać czegoś, cieszyć się na coś
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look forward to sth/doing sth
I'm really looking forward to seeing him.
płacić (za), zapłacić (za), opłacić
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pay for
Helen paid for the tickets.
pozować do zdjęcia, prezentować
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pose for
The two leaders posed for photographs outside the White House
woleć coś niż coś
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prefer to
I prefer dogs to cats. She prefers watching tennis to playing.
przypominać komuś coś/kogoś
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remind sb of sth/sb
This song reminds me of our trip to Spain.
dzielić się z kimś
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share with
She shares a house with Paul.
uśmiechać się do
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smile at
She smiled at me.
wydawać na coś
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spend to
She spends too much money on clothes.
osiągać sukces lub powodzenie, ≈ udać się
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succeed in
[+ in + doing sth ] He has finally succeeded in passing his exams.
mówić do kogoś
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talk to
I talked to the hotel menager about my room.
czekać na
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wait for
I'm waiting for Clive. How long did you wait for a taxi? [+ to do sth ] I'm still waiting to use the phone.
martwić się o coś
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worry abot
She's always worrying about something.
zły, rozgniewany o
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angry about
I don't understand what he's angry about.
zły, rozgniewany na
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angry, angry at
He's really angry at/with me for my attitiude.
blisko kogoś
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close to
She's close to her sister.
rozczarowany czymś
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disappointed with
I'm really disappointed with these photos.
ekscytować, podniecać sie czymś
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excite about
She's excited about her new job.
znudzony, ≈ mieć dość
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fed up -adj
znudzony czymś, mieć dośyć
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fed up
I'm fed up with my job.
lubić kogoś/coś
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be fond of sb/sth
to be fond of animals/music [+ doing sth ] He's not very fond of dancing.
przestraszony, przerażony czymś
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frightened/afraid/scared of
I've always been frightened of going to the dentist.
zainteresowany czymś, kimś
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interested in
Sarah's only interested in boys, music, and clothes. [+ to do sth ] I'd be interested to find out more about the course. Opposite uninterested
zaintereowany, zapalony
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keen on
He's very keen on travelling.
życzliwy, uprzejmy dla
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kind to
Your mother was very kind to us.
żonaty, zamężna, małżeński z
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married to
She's been married to David for nearly ten years.
zadowolony z
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pleased with
I'm really pleased with the quality of his work.
gotowy na coś
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ready for
The army was ready for action.
odpowiadać za kogoś/coś, być odpowiedzialnym za kogoś/coś
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be responsible for someone / something, be responsible for someone / something
Who was responsible for the accident?
niegrzeczny dla kogoś
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rude to
He complained that a member of staff had been rude to him.
przepraszam, przykro mi
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to be sorry about
I'm so sorry about last night - it was all my fault.
znudzić się czymś
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tire of sth/doing sth
He never tires of playing games on his computer.
zmartwiony o coś
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worried about
She's really worried about her son.

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