Martyna M - Vocabulary 3 - everyday English/English for work

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to lose (lose - lost -lost)
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We went to...
Nic nie przeczytałam
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I didn't read anything
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zbyt dużo ludzi
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too many people
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to come (come - came - come)
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czarny rynek
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a black market
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a job/ a commission
Nie jestem rasistką
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I'm not a racist
law (jako kierunek studiów)
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an employer/ an employee
w pracy/po pracy
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at work/after work
Przperaszam,że przerwę ale ktoś do Ciebie dzwoni
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Sorry to interrupt, but someone is calling you.
Czy chcieliby Panowie zamówić coś na lunch?
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Would you like to order something for lunch?
Wyślę Wam trzy linki a Wy możecie wybrać co wolicie
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I will send you three links and you can choose what you prefer
2 menu
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2 menus
Jak długo to zajmie?
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How long will it take?
Dostawa zajmuje około 2 godzin więc lepiej zamówić wcześniej
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Delivery takes about 2 hours so it's better to order in advance
Dostawa czeka na Was w kuchni
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The delivery is waiting for you in the kitchen
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Szuflady są oznaczone
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The drawers are marked
Znajdziesz noże i widelce w jednej z szuflad
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You will find knives and forks in one of the drawers
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metry kwadratowe
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square meters
Jak duża jest powierzchnia?
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How big is the space?
Gdzie mogę zapalić?
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Where can I smoke?
Proszę, tu jest Pani karta
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Here you are, here's your card

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