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it helps us to answer our questions "what problem or issue does the product solve for customers
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the strategy behind the pricing of your product needs to be based on what your costumers are prepared to pay
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successful marketing strategies include all the promotional activities across the marketing mix, including advertising, direct marketing and in-store promotional activities
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where and how your product is displayed and sold should be directly informed by your customers
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excellent customer service not only converts to sales, but can increase your customer base by referrals
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The process of delivering your product to the consumer should be designed for maximum efficiency and reliability, but may also include features that are in line with your brand, such as being environmentally or sustainably focused.
physical evidence
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Physical evidence incorporates aspects that proves your brand exists and that a purchase took place. Examples of proof that your brand exists can include things like a physical store or office for your business, a website
niskie podatki
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low taxes
wykwalifikowany personel
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skilled staff
niskie oprocentowanie
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low interest rate
taniec czynsze
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cheap rents

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