Marek 7th Dec

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Po staremu. / Nic nowego.
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Same old (same old).
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion
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carry on / go on
Ona codziennie pije herbatę.
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She drinkS tea every day.
Mieszkasz w Polsce?
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Do you live in Poland?
Czy Twoja córka mówi po angielsku?
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Does your daughter speak English?
Moja córka nie mówi po niemiecku.
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My daughter doesn't speak German.
Ona nie lubi czekolady.
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She doesn't like chocolate.
Czy Marta lubi kawę?
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Does Marta like coffee?
poczekaj chwilę
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hold on
Moja córka śpi.
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My daughter is sleeping.
Oglądamy teraz film.
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We are watching a film now.
Ona nie śpi teraz.
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She is not / isn't sleeping.
Nie oglądamy teraz filmu.
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We are not / aren't watching a film now.
Siedzisz teraz?
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Are you sitting now?
Dlaczego teraz siedzisz?
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Why are you sitting now?
Czy twoja córka śpi teraz?
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Is your daughter sleeping now?
Czy ona teraz śpi?
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Is she sleeping now?
Czy oni oglądają teraz film?
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Are they watching a film now?
Chcę coś zjeść.
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I want TO eat something.
Ona chce obejrzeć ten film.
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She wants TO watch this film.
On nie chce pojechać do Niemiec.
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He doesn't want TO go to Germany.
Ona robi obiad teraz.
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She is making dinner now.
On robi obiad codziennie.
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He makes dinner every day.
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Czy on mówi po polsku?
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Does he speak Polish?
On nie mówi po angielsku.
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He doesn't speak English.
Moja córka mówi płynnie po angielsku.
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My daughter speakS English fluently.
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od czasu do czasu
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from time to time
raz w tygodniu
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once a week
dwa razy w miesiącu
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twice a month
trzy razy w roku
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three times a year
Chcę poszerzyć swoje słownictwo.
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I want to expand my vocabulary.

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