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Przepraszam za spóźnienie. commencer à apprendre
I'm sorry I'm late. / I'm sorry for being late. DO NOT SAY: I'm sorry for my late.
Nie ma problemu (gdy, ktoś nas przeprasza) commencer à apprendre
No problem / No worries / That's all right / All good
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Byłam umówiona na wizytę u dentysty. commencer à apprendre
I had an appointment WITH a dentist.
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Mieliśmy trochę spokoju i ciszy. commencer à apprendre
We had some peace and quiet.
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Miałem wizytę u dentysty. commencer à apprendre
I had AN appointment with a dentist.
Chciałbym umówić się na wizytę u dentysty. commencer à apprendre
I would like to MAKE an appointment with a dentist.
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to cycle / to go for a bike ride
Czy chciałbyś pójść do kina? commencer à apprendre
Would you like to go to the cinema?
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to go TO a football match
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to go TO the gym / to go TO the pool
Chciałbyś iść dzisiaj do szkoły? commencer à apprendre
Would you like to go to school today?
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