Marcin 3rd Nov (45 min)

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question réponse
Musiałem zrestartować mój komputer.
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I had to restart my computer.
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Powtórz, proszę.
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Say it again, please. / Could you repeat, please.
poczekaj, proszę
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hold on, please/wait a second, please/ just a sec / just a moment
Czy mógłbyś zwolnić?
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Could you slow down, please?
Czy mógłbyś mówić wolniej?
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Could you speak slower, please?
zanotować coś
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to note sth down
zauważyć / zwrócić uwagę
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to notice sth
I didn't notice her at the party.
zwracać uwagę na coś
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to pay attention TO sth
Połączenie jest kiepskie.
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The connection is really bad / poor.
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What's the wi-fi password?
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It's breaking up.
Dziękuję za twój czas.
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Thank you for your time.
Myślę, że to wszystko.
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I think that's all. / I guess that's all.
wrzuć na luz
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take it easy
nie przesadzaj
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don't exaggerate
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to pretend
Stop pretending.
iść do toalety
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to go to the loo / to go to the toilet
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a number one
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a number two
Have you ever had to do a number two outside?
Dziękuję, że poczekałaś.
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Thank you for waiting.
Dziękuję za posprzątanie kuchni.
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Thank you for cleaning the kitchen.
Myślę, że to przeoczyłem.
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I think I missed it.
Nie widziałem twojej wiadomości.
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I didn't see your message.
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to work overtime / to do overtime
bardzo rzadko
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very rarely
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Co o tym sądzisz?
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How do you feel about it? / What do you think about it?
zamknij drzwi
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shut the door / close the door

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