Marcin 26th Sept (45 min)

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question réponse
wznowić coś
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to resume sth
He got back in the car and resumed driving.
to jest oczywiste
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it's obvious
notes / zeszyt
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a notebook
Dobrze się bawiliśmy. / Mieliśmy dobry czas.
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We had a good time.
On mówił po angielsku cały czas.
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He spoke English all the time.
Ona zadała dwa pytania.
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She asked two questions.
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a foreigner
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just a sec / one sec
NEVER: just one a sec
Udanego dnia.
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Have a good day. / Have a good one.
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a habit
Smoking is a bad habit.
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Don't be so stubborn.
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to sneeze
I can't stop sneezing.
na zdrowie (przy toaście)
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Jestem strasznie zmęczony.
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I'm dead tired.
Jestem w toalecie.
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I'm in the toilet.
woda z kranu
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tap water
Can I have a glass of tap water?
Zmieńmy temat.
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Let's change the topic.
Nie zawracaj sobie głowy.
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Don't bother.
‘Shall I wait?’ ‘No, don't bother’.
Myślę, że powinnaś złożyć skargę.
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I think you should make a complainT.
Przestań narzekać na pogodę.
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Stop complaining about the weather.
Jak było?
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How was it?
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Get lost!
Rozmawiałem z nim wczoraj.
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I talked / spoke to him yesterday.
Co on powiedział?
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What did he say?
Powiedz mi prawdę.
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Tell me the truth.
Dziękuję za posprzątanie mojego pokoju.
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Thank you for cleaning my room.
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On nie poddał się.
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He didn't give up.
Było fantastycznie.
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It was awesome.

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