Marcin 24th Oct (45 min)

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question réponse
Nie śpię.
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I'm awake.
Stokrotne dzięki.
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ThankS a million.
do not say: thank a million
Czy możemy zacząć o ósmej dwadzieścia?
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Can we start at eight twenty?
otwierać coś
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to open sth
Jesteśmy na przyjęciu.
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We are AT A party.
to moja najbliższa rodzina
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it's my close family
Dobrze się bawiliśmy.
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We had fun.
zrzucić się na coś
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to chip in
They chipped in £100 and bought their mother a trip to Greece.
Mój syn posprzątał swój pokój w weekend.
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My son cleanED his room on the weekend.
stopniowo / po trochu
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little by little
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I was joking.
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You must be joking.
Nie rozłączaj się.
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Don't hang up, please.
zamiast (czegoś)
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instead (of sth)
There's no coffee - would you like a cup of tea instead?
Myślę, że powinieneś zrobić to zamiast mnie.
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I think you should do it instead of me.
Wstydź się.
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Shame on you.
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for your information
nie spiesz się
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take your time
Dziękuję, że poczekałaś.
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Thanks for waiting.
Dziękuję, że się podzieliłaś.
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Thanks for sharing.
planować (np. termin spotkania)
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to schedule
The meeting is scheduled FOR 8 o'clock.
zadzwonić do kogoś
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to give sb a ring
Oddzwonię do ciebie za dwie godziny.
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I'll call you back in 2 hours.
Przypominajka, ... / Informuję, że...
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Just a heads-up about / that...
Just a heads-up about tomorrow's staff meeting, it's scheduled for 8.
Ona mieskza na wsi.
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She lives in the country.
Chcę mieszkać blisko dużego miasta.
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I want to live near a big city.
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a town
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life and live are not homonyms
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a crowd
Low prices always pull in the crowds.
Robię zakupy spożywcze raz w tygodniu.
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I do the grocery shopping once a week.
i tak dalej
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and so on

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