Marcin 11th Aug (45 min)

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Nie spiesz się.
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Take your time
oliwa z oliwek
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olive oil
Oni otworzyli ten sklep w miniony poniedziałek.
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They OPENED this shop last Monday.
trzymaj tak dalej
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keep it up
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scrambled eggs
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być gotowym, żeby coś zrobić
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to be ready TO do sth
I was ready to start at 6.
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to clean/tidy up
w weekendy
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on weekends
Byliśmy w drodze do Wilna.
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We were on our way to Vilnius.
Jestem w drodze do pracy.
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I'm on my way to work.
On jest w drodze do Warszawy.
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She's on her way to Warsaw.
Czy jesteś w drodze do domu?
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Are you on your way home?
elegancka restauracja
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a fancy restaurant
Czy tęsknisz za domem?
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Are you homesick?
Czy tęskniłeś za domem?
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Were you homesick?
Myślę, że ona tęskni za domem.
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I think she's homesick.
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a disadvantage
To jest jedyna wada mieszkania w Warszawie.
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It's the only disadvantage of living in Warsaw.
Ile kosztuje bilet do Nowej Zelandii?
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How much is a ticket to NZ? / How much is a ticket to NZ?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much does it cost?/ How much is it?
na szczęście
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Luckily, I had some money with me.
Nie spanikowałem.
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I didn't panic.
On zrobił to ciasto całkowicie sam.
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He made this cake all by himself.
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There're only TWO syllables in this word.
zaskoczyć kogoś czymś
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to surprise sb with sth
My son surprise us with a delicious chocolate cake.
Nie mogę się doczekać kawałka tego ciasta.
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I can't wait for a piece of this cake.
dzielić się z kimś
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to share with sb
sharing is caring
podrzucić kogoś gdzieś
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to give sb a lift
She gave me a lift to the train station.
dworzec kolejowy
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a railway station / a train station
okłamywać kogoś
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to lie TO sb
Why did you lie to me?
Czy chcesz jajecznicę na śniadanie?
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Do you want scrambled eggs for breakfast?
Co jest na kolację?
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What's for dinner?
Ile kosztuje ten rower?
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How much is this bike?
Ile kosztował ten rower?
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How much WAS this bike?
Zrobiłem to przez przypadek.
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I did it by accident.
zrobić coś specjalnie
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to do sth on purpose
Did you do it on purpose?

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