March 8 100%

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Rejs tytanikiem
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Titanic cruise
Czy jesteś kapitanem?
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are you the captain?
Miałam sen, że uderzymy w górę lodową
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I had a dream that we will hit an iceberg
wiele ludzi zginie
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many people will die
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Łodzie ratunkowe
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Czy mamy kamizelki ratunkowe?
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Do we have life jackets?
Czy mamy ratowników?
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Do we have lifeguards?
Wezwij zespół ratowników!
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Call the lifeguards team!
Uspokoić ludzi
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Calm people down
Ostrzegam was!
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I warn you!
Uwaga wszyscy!
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Attention everyone!
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Skarby z tytanica
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Treasures from the titanic
Drogocenne skarby
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Precious Treasures

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