March 8 100%

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question réponse
odbyłam rejs na tytanicu
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I went on a cruise on the Titanic
Uderzymy w górę lodową!
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We will hit the iceberg!
To bardzo poważny problem!
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This is a very serious problem!
Czy mamy jakieś łodzie ratunkowe?
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Do we have any lifeboats?
Kamizelka ratunkowa
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Life jacket
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Ratownik na plaży
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Lifeguard on the beach
Wezwij zespół ratowników
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Call the rescue team
Mam dużo skarbów
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I have a lot of treasures
ludzie nie przeżyli tej katastrofy
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people did not survive this catastrophe
Ludzie zgineli po tej katastrofie
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People died after this catastrophe
Złote monety
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gold coins
Muzeum ma dużo drogocennych rzeczy
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The museum has a lot of valuable things
Nurkowanie w oceanie
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Diving in the ocean

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