March 7 2025

 0    17 fiche    English4everyone
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question réponse
To jest stresujące
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This is stressful
jestem zestresowany
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I am stressed
mój przełożony nie ma czasu
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my superior doesnt have time
nie ma czasu mi pomóc
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he doesnt have time to help me
Nie wiem jak to ma wyglądać
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I dont know how this is supposed to look like
Myślę, że 10 minut
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I am guessing 10 minutes
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I noticed
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Nie pozwolił mu mówić
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He didnt let him speak
zrobiło się gorąco
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it got heated
Ukraina / ukraiński
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Ukraine / Ukrainian
Nie ma zwrotow
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There is no return
on przesadza
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he exaggerates
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a citizen
odnoszę wrażenie
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I get the impression
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vice president

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