March 22

 0    14 fiche    pjendruszko
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question réponse
nie spałem dobrze
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I didn't sleep well
za mało spałem
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I slept too little
mogę poprawić bhp
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I can improve health and safety
wykonali badania
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they made some test / they checked
naukowcy z uniwersytetu zrobili badania
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scientists at the university did the research
to czyni twoje życie lepszym
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it makes your life better
to czyni czytanie wolniejszym
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this makes reading slower
jestem wyczerpany gdy wracam do domu
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I'm exhausted when I come home
uzależniony od coca coli
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addicted to coca cola
cukier jest bardziej uzależniający od kokainy
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sugar is more addictive than cocaine
oskarżyć o fake newsa
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i want to go to the court with the news
oskarżyć the peroson of created fake news
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accuse the peroson of created fake news
dużo ludzi chce oskarżyć putina
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a lot of people want to accuse Putin
czy ona będzie oskarżóna?
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will she be accused

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