March 21 2019: Second conditional

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question English réponse English
If I were in your position, I would tell the truth.
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I strongly advise you - tell the truth
If I won the lottery... I'd give all the money to Radio Maryja
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I should buy a lottery ticket first.
If she loved him she would marry him
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She probably doesn't love him. She only likes his body.
If we knew Japanese we could live in Tokyo
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Let's learn Japanese language, move to Tokyo and eat sushi all the time.
I would die if he kissed me
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A dream of so many girls...
If I asked you to go skydiving with me, would you say yes?
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Let's jump together.
If Peter had long hair he would like like a girl
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Some people think he's a girl even with his hair short.
If I cleaned your room would you do my math homework?
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Yes, but you have to wash the floor, too.
If Andy had a car he would drive really fast.
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Maybe it's better that he rides a bike.
I would never wear your hat if you didn't want me to.
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I promise:)
If I had more money I would buy a bigger house.
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I need extra $300,000.

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