robić wszystko, co w czyjejś mocy commencer à apprendre
to do everything in one's power
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I didn't hear anything; I heard nothing
"Wrócił do nas" z wieloma pytaniami. commencer à apprendre
He got back to us with many questions.
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Ciężarówka utknęła na granicy. commencer à apprendre
The truck got stuck on the border.
umożliwić szybszy transport commencer à apprendre
to enable faster transport
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Przepraszam za spóźnioną odpowiedź commencer à apprendre
Sorry for the delayed response
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an answer, response, reply to a question
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to answer a question; to reply, respond TO a question
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Właśnie miałam do ciebie zadzwonić. commencer à apprendre
I was just about to call you.
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Poradzę sobie z większością problemów przez telefon. commencer à apprendre
I can deal with most problems over the phone.
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sprzedaż i dostawa online commencer à apprendre
online sales and delivery
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What were the arrangements?
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W tej chwili naszym największym zmartwieniem jest... commencer à apprendre
Our biggest concern at the moment is...
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we are looking into the matter
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budynki mieszkalne i biurowe commencer à apprendre
residential and office buildings
oba / obaj / obie / oboje commencer à apprendre