March 14

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question réponse
miałam wizytę u lekarza
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I had a visit with the doctor
odkurzacz jest zepsuty
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the vacuum cleaner is broken
Czy są tańsze buty?
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Are there cheaper shoes?
Can I try this shoes on?
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Can I try this shoes on?
Buty są za ciasne
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The shoes are too tight
Czy mogę dostać zwrot pieniędzy?
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Can I get a refund?
Czy możesz pokazać mi inny kolor?
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Can you show me a different colour please?
Czy macie inny rozmiar?
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Do you have a different size?
Czy macie droższą sukienkę?
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Do you have a more expensive dress?
Te ciuchy są za drogie
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These clothes are too expensive

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