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question English réponse English
Marta is an excellent student. She gets straight As in history and maths.
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students get grades for their tests and homework
Grades in US: A, B, C, D and F - that's FAIL:(
grade school
also known as: primary school or elementary school
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elementary school
Primary school have six grades: 1-6 - that's 6 years of schooling.
gym class
In NYC kids go to gym classes, also known as PhysEd.
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physical education class
My gym class teacher is a sadist.
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head of school
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a written assigment (an essay)
attendance roll
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students' attendance list
guidance counselor
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an advisor in school
high school/secondary school
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A secondary education level school - grades 9-11.
cut classes
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skipping a class with no permission

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