mam 10 lat

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question réponse
Mam 10 lat
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I am 10 years old
Mam na imię twój stary
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My name is Twi
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Skąd jesteś?
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Where are you from?
Jak się nazywasz?
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What's your name?
Kim jesteś?
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Who you are?
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
Co to znaczy?
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What does it mean?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Co to jest?
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What is it?
co to jest?
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what is this?
co to jest? autor?
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what is this? author?
co to jest
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what is this
co to?
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What is it?
co to za obiekt
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what is this object
typ ikony?
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icon type?
Co to jest? autor?
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What is this? author?
Co to?
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What is it?
co to jest? architekt? do czego nawiązuje?
commencer à apprendre
what is this? architect? what does it refer to?

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