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Być stworzonym dla
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be made for
Buy this dress it simply made for you
Kierować się do
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make for
Let’s make for home as quickly as possible
Dostrzegać dosłyszeć rozpoznać
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Make out
I can’t make out what’s the name on the bell is
Wypełnić czek/druk
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Make out
przekazac wlasnosc
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make over
Before their uncle died, he made over his whole estate to them
Wymyślić zmyślić
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Make up
That is not true she made the whole thing up
nalozyc Makijaż
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Make up
she made herself up before she went out
Pogodzić się z kimś
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Make up
I thank goodness they have made up after their quarrel
Wynagrodzić komuś
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Make up for
The good summer weather is making up for the bad winter
Zdecydować się
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make up one’s mind
she can’t make up her mind whether to go to Turkey or India

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