Magdalena H_Introduction

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question réponse
How are you today?
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Jak się dzisiaj miewasz?
I'm fine, thanks. And you?
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Czuję się dobrze, dzięki. A ty?
What's your name?
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Jak masz na imię?
I'm Magdalena.
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Jestem Magdalena.
Where are you from?
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Skąd jesteś?
I'm from Poland.
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Jestem z Polski.
Wow! Fantastic!
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Wow! Fantastycznie!
Where do you live?
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Gdzie mieszkasz?
I live in Cracow.
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Mieszkam w Krakowie.
Where do you work?
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Gdzie pracujesz?
What do you do?
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Co robisz? Czym się zajmujesz?
I'm an insurance agent.
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Jestem agentką ubezpieczeniową.
I'm self-employed.
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Jestem samozatrudniona.
I have my own business.
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Mam swój własny biznes.
Do you like your job?
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Czy lubisz swoją pracę?
Yes, I really like my job!
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Tak, bardzo lubię swoją pracę!
Are you married?
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Czy jesteś mężatką?
I'm divorced.
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Jestem rozwiedziona.
I'm single.
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Jestem singlem.
I'm in a relationship.
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Jestem w związku.
I have a partner.
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Mam partnera.
I'm a widower.
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Jestem wdowcem./wdową.
Do you have children?
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Czy masz dzieci?
Yes, I have two daughters and a son.
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Tak, mam dwie córki i syna.
The oldest daughter is 22.
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Najstarsza córka ma 22 lata.
The younger daughter is 17.
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Młodsza córka ma 17 lat.
My son is 13.
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Mój syn ma 13 lat.
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How old are you?
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Ile masz lat?
I am 44.
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Mam 44 lata.
What's your telephone number?
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Jaki jest Twój numer telefonu?
My phone number is 6 6 5 9 6 4 8 4 5
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Mój numer telefonu to 665 964 845.
It's 6 6 5 9 6 4 8 4 5
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To 665 964 845.
What's your email address?
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Jaki jest twój adres e-mail?
My email address is magdalena.
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Mój adres e-mail to magdalena.
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