Mad Gab - Dr. CB's List 1

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question English réponse English
eight roost oar he
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a true story
long tray tare
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long straight hair
pass injures eats
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passenger seats
aim hey jerk rice hiss
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a major crises
ale all heap hop
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a lollipop
agree dink hard
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a greeting card
eight her keyed inner
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a turkey dinner
law sand jealous
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Los Angeles
won whee keg hoe
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one week ago
wheel yum air ream he
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will you marry me
eight ape reek quarter
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a tape recorder
egg ran dope inning
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a grand opening
up ear shoot
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a parachute
you says dye erected
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use as directed
pier steers
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pierced ears
sure law combs
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Sherlock Holmes
hoe pew heaven ice hummer
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hope you have a nice summer
pus if hick host
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Pacific coast
superb whole
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Super Bowl
koala deep rod ducks
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quality products
weenie thumb honey
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we need the money
aid hey leech oar
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a daily chore

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