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visiting the famous places in a city
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large exhibition and meeting advertising and selling a product
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trip to a country or an area that includes visits, lectures and classes
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treka long hard walk lasting several days or weeks, usually in mountains
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large official meeting, often lasting several days, for members of an organization or company to discuss subjects related to their work
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ceromony where two peope get married
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travel to an important religios place
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travel or excursion that leaves in the morning and returns the same evening
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religios or artistic celebrition that comes at the same time every year
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trip, often to a city or countryside hotel, that includes Suturday and Sunday
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visit organized by an airline or tourist resort, etc. where tour operators and journalists can get to know the facilities and services offered
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journey or holiday given to workers as a revard for good work
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Mam wielu dalekich krewnych mieszkających za granicą. commencer à apprendre
I have many distant relatives living abroad.
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Produkt krajowy brutto to wskaźnik rozwoju gospodarczego i koniunktury. commencer à apprendre
Gross Domestic Product is an indicator of economic development and prosperity.
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