lprzydatne zwroty

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question réponse
nie jestem pewien
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I'm not sure
przez dlugi czas
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for a long time
to nie byłem ja
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it wasn't me
w porzadku
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commencer à apprendre
never mind
to nie ma znaczenia
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It doesn't matter
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Lucky you
nie ma sprawy
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you're welcome
trzymaj sie!
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take care
moja kolej
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my turn
z przyjemnością
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with pleasure
nic a nic
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not at all
co tam
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what's up
nie ma mowy
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no way
jak sie masz?
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how are you?
czy to prawda?
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is that right?
prosze bardzo
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Here you are
idż juz
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just go
Nie martw się
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Don't worry
Przykro to słyszeć
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Sorry to hear that
Jaka szkoda
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What a pity

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