Loic 30th March (45 min)

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question English réponse English
to be quieter
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keep it down
Hey you guys, keep it down in there – I’m on the phone!
a piece of writing that is intended to be acted in a theatre
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a play
the sound of it makes my mouth...
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the sound of it makes my mouth WATER
(of food) having a very good appearance or smell that makes you want to eat
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to die (homorously)
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to kick the bucket
he is not that young any more
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he is not a spring chicken any more
She wants to ... pregnant.
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She wants to GET pregnant.
a country in central Europe the capital of which is Prague
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the Czech Republic
when does the doctor predict you will give birth?
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When are you due? / When is your baby due?
She ... two months pregnant.
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She IS two months pregnant.
to be responsible ... sth
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to be responsible FOR sth

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