locations, types of room, types of house

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w centrum miasta
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in the city center
w slumsach
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in a slum
nad morzem
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by the sea
na wsi
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in a village
w mieście
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in a town
na osiedlu
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on a housing estate
na wsi
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in the countryside
na przedmieściach
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in the suburbs
na obrzeżach
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on outskirts
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a flat
domek (zwłaszcza na wsi)
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a cottage
dom szeregowy
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a terraced house
wyodrębniony dom
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a detouched hous
dom parterowy
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a bungalow
dom bliźniak
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a semi-detached house
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a skyscraper
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a kitchen
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a hall
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a bathroom
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a dining room
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a living room
strych / poddasze
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a attic
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