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posměch, výsměch
Put st. in stock
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Take st. out of stock
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Follow through
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dotahovat do konce
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to cause (a large bell) to sound with single strokes slowly and regularly repeated, as for summoning a congregation to church, or especially for announcing a death.
Sat nav
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Cable lift
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vlek – lanovka
Cable railway = furnicular
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lanovka (vláček)
Cable car
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lanovka (Vary)
You are breaking up
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ztrácí se signál
All things in time
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vše má svůj čas
Be sharp of a note
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být nad tónem
Be flat of a note
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být pod tónem
Étude / study
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Just in case
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pro jistotu
Development programme
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mj. Vzdělávací program
360 Degree Feedback Method
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a ten-year-old child
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sebrat, shromáždit
ski poles (sometimes sticks)
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lyžařské hole
would you like anything to eat?
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Asi jako cokoli? Takže se potlačí aspekt nabízení oproti: Would you like some coffee? – kde aspekt nabízení převažuje.
Would you like any coffee – jako že výběr z mnoha...
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dal byste si nějakou kávu?
would you like anything to drink with that?
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dal byste si k tomu nějaké pití?
would you like anything else? Any coffee? (z učebnice)
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ještě něco?
Is this the way to the station? No, You are going the wrong way. Je to cesta? Ne, jdete špatně.
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Je to cesta? Ne, jdete špatně.
Piece goods
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kusové zboží
Keep hands free
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nesahejte do prostoru
Backlog, we have a backlog of work
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resty, nedodělky
Arrears of work
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resty, nedodělky
Contract with They contracted with us to...
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uzavřít smlouvu s
You are sitting in my place
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sedíte na mém místě
Can you speak more slowly please?
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můžete mluvit pomaleji?
Acceptance speech
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děkovací řeč při převzetí ceny
Round the back
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vzadu za domem
Craftsman, artisan
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Distrainer, distrainor
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mj. zabavení, obstavení
usurer, loan shark
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chattel (zast.), movable/personal property
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movitý majetek
Engine capacity
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Obsah motoru
Go on holiday, Go (somewhere) for a holiday
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na dovolenou
go on a tour
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na turné
go on a cruise
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na plavbu
go on strike
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do stávky
Used / pre-owned car dealer, car mart
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Pay-and-display system
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parkovací systém
Pay-and-display machine
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parkovací automat
Pay-and-display ticket
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parkovací lístek
Pozor: Parking ticket =
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pokuta za parkování
Meter (US)
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parkovací automat
Mark: toastie
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uzavřený toast
Toastie maker
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