Lesson till Saturday

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August 3rd
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팔월 삼일
Can I have one sandwich, and please remove the tomato?
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샌드위치 한 개 주시는데 토마토 빼주세요.
I ate lunch, but I'm hungry.
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점심 먹었는데 배고파요.
I studied Korean, but I forgot it.
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한국어 공부했는데 잊어버렸어요.
It was raining but I didn't have an umbrella.
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비가 오는데 우산이 없었어요.
The movie was good but the music was bad.
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영화는 좋았는데 음악은 별로였어요.
The shoes are a bit small, so do you have a bigger size?
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신발이 조금 작은데 큰 사이즈 있어요?
I don't have time today, but could we meet tomorrow?
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오늘은 시간이 없는데 내일 만날까요?
I have a headache, but could we meet tomorrow?
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머리가 아픈데... 내일 만날까요?
Korean food is tasty, but it's a bit spicy.
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한국음식은 맛있는데 조금 매워요
I don't have time on Monday, but could we meet Tuesday?
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월요일에 시간이 없는데 화요일에 만날까요?
I don't have time 4pm on Monday, but could we meet 4pm on Wednesday?
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월요일 오후 4시에 시간이 없는데 수요일 오후 4시에 만날까요?
I ate too much, so I'm full now.
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너무 많이 먹어서 지금 배불러요
It was too spicy, so I couldn't eat it.
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너무 매워서 못 먹었어요.
It was really pretty, so I just bought it (even though it was expensive)
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너무 예뻐서 (비싼데 그냥) 샀어요.
That drama was so fun, so I stayed up all night.
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드라마가 너무 재밌어서 밤샜어요.
I stayed up all night because I had to study
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공부해야 해서 밤샜어요.
Botanical garden
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How long does it take to go from home?
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집에서 얼마나 걸려요?
It takes an hour by car.
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차로 한시간 걸려요
It takes an hour to walk.
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걸어서 한시간 걸려요
We can't go there by walking
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걸어서 못가요
We should go there by car
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차로 가야돼요.
I don't have time on Monday, so could we meet Tuesday?
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월요일에 시간이 없어서 화요일에 만날까요?

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