Lesson - The 6 most important negotiation skills

 0    15 fiche    jessehandley
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I have a great rapport with my workmates. We all get along really well.
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stosunek, relacja
Jestem w świetnych stosunkach z kolegami z pracy. Naprawdę dobrze się dogadujemy.
She thought the mirroring must occur because they were both women.
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active listening
Eye contact and appropriate body languages are seen as important components to active listening.
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aktywne słuchanie
emotional objectivity
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emocjonalny obiektywizm
ability to walk away
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zdolność do odejścia
succumb to sth
It seemed like only a matter of time before he succumbed.
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fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force
make someone feel bored or no longer interested in something
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turn off
become less able to understand things or deal with them
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lose your grip
the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally
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argue in order to agree on the price of something
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act or do too quickly, without considering the effects of your actions
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say anything rash
succeed in doing something that is difficult
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pull off
possible or likely to succeed
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something you give or allow someone to do in order to reach an agreement
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make a lot of effort to achieve something
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