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question réponse
I don't even have a job
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ni siquiera tengo trabajo
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traffic jam
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el embotellamiento
Thank you for not giving me away
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gracias por no delatarme
i would like to take a day off.
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Me gustaría / quisiera tomar un día libre.
at least I'm doing something
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al menos estoy haciendo algo
does it matter?
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acaso importa?
first aid kit
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botiquín (de primeros auxilios)
turn it off
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maybe not
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será que no
skills/ capabilities/ abilities
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habilidades / capacidades / habilidades
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la lealtad
I wish I were rich.
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Desearía ser rico.
if I lived in the UK, I would be working now
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si viviera en el Reino Unido, estaría trabajando ahora
support group
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grupo de apoyo
found in his home dead
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encontrado / hallado/ descubierto en su casa muerto
a gang / a gangster
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una pandilla / un gángster
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la subasta / subastar algo
your strengths and weaknesses
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tus fortalezas y debilidades
what are your salary expectations?
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¿Cuáles son tus expectativas salariales? / tu pretensión salarial?
i was in charge of the team
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yo estaba a cargo del equipo
in the future I see myself working and succeeding in this company.
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en el futuro me veo trabajando y siendo exitosa en esta empresa.
how have you found out about the opening (position)?
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¿Cómo se enteró / te entraste de la vacante (posición / la plaza)?
I found the ad on internet
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Encontré el anuncio en internet.
CV / resumé
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currículum / hoja de vida
I can't wait
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no puedo esperar
slave, slavery
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esclavo, esclavitud
I couldn't predict it
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no podría predecirlo
I am looking for either hybrid or remote work
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Busco trabajo híbrido o remoto
competition on the job market
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competencia en el mercado laboral
a saying / a proverb
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un dicho / un refrán (powiedzenie, przysłowie)
I've been waiting for the director for an hour.
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Llevo una hora esperando al director.
This ship has left the port
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Este barco ha salido del puerto.
i'm putting clothes on
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Me estoy poniendo ropa / vistiendo.
- What are they doing? - The same as always.
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- ¿Qué están haciendo? - Lo mismo como siempre.
Velasquez was a great painter.
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Velásquez fue un gran pintor.
We have bought 7 litres of vodka.
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Hemos comprado 7 litros de vodka.
They have sold 9800 copies of this book.
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Han vendido 9800 copias de este libro.
Poznan has 530000 inhabitants.
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Poznan tiene 530000 habitantes.
Better now then never.
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Mejor ahora que nunca. (refrán: más vale tarde que nunca)
kidnapped, abducted
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secuestrado, raptado
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I've had bad luck with this car!
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¡He tenido mala suerte con este coche!
There will be three of us.
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Seremos tres.
We will work all day.
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Trabajaremos todo el día.
You will have a lot of time.
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Tendrás mucho tiempo.
I will have patience.
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Tendré paciencia
Don't stay at home (plural)
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No os quedéis en casa.
You should marry.
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Deberías casarte / ¡Cásate!
It was 7 pm.
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Eran las 7 de la tarde.
Earlier, I used to see him often.
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Antes lo veía a menudo.
He was walking on foot.
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Iba / caminaba a pie.
I want us to go to the cinema in the evening.
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Quiero que vayamos al cine por la noche.
He couldn't see anything without his glasses.
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No veía nada sin gafas.
They told me to not leave the house in this weather.
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Me dijeron que no saliera de la casa con este tiempo.
We would like you to visit us in the summer.
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Nos gustaría que nos visitaras en verano.
When and where will we see each other?
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¿Cuándo y dónde nos veremos? / quedamos?
She takes off her coat.
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Se quita el abrigo.
He was a nice person and always in a good mood.
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Era una buena persona y siempre estaba de buen humor.
He spoke French and German well.
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Sabía halblar muy bien francés y alemán.
Is there any seat available?
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¿Hay algun asiento libre?
Who are you laughing at?
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¿De quién te ríes?
These fruit aren't ripe yet.
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Estas frutas aún no están maduras.
in march
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en marzo
on the fifth of July.
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el cinco de julio.

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