lesson 8th

 0    35 fiche    damianskal6
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question réponse
å hilse på noen
commencer à apprendre
to greet someone
å stanse
commencer à apprendre
to stop
å regne
commencer à apprendre
to rain
det regner
commencer à apprendre
it is raining
det blåser
commencer à apprendre
it is windy
hvordan er været?
commencer à apprendre
How is the weather?
Det regner og det blåser
commencer à apprendre
It's raining and it's windy
Det er et stygt vær
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It's a bad weather
I dag er det pent vær
commencer à apprendre
Today the weather is nice
Det snør
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It's snowing
Det tordner
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It's thundering
Det lyner
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It is lightning
det øsregner
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it's pouring rain
det er kaldt
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it's cold
Det er varmt
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It is hot
et klesplagg
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a piece of clothing
et tøy
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a cloth
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en kjole
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commencer à apprendre
ein bukser
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a pair of pants
bukser / ei bukse
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trousers / a pair of trousers
en gensere
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a sweater
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et skjørt
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a skirt
en skjorte skjorter
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a shirt shirts
en T-skjorten
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a T-shirt
ei lue
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a hat
en sko
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et par sko
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a pair of shoes
en krippsøvingslærer
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a nursery school teacher
en kroppsøving
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a physical education
ei sol
commencer à apprendre
a sun
å skinne
commencer à apprendre
to shine
Sola skinner i dag.
commencer à apprendre
The sun is shining today.

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