lesson 8 sem.2

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question réponse
jaka jest pogoda?
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what is the weather like?
jest słonecznie
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it is sunny
jest wietrznie
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it is windy
jest pochmurnie
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it is cloudy
jest mgliście
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it is foggy
jest deszczowo
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it is rainy
jest śnieżnie
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it is snowy
padać (o deszczu)
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to rain
commencer à apprendre
to snow
pada deszcz / pada śnieg
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it is raining/it is snowing
jest gorące
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it is hot
jest ciepły
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it is warm
jest chłodno
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it is chilly
marznie zimno
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it is freezing cold
jest bardzo zimno
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It is very cold
commencer à apprendre
a mug
tabliczka czekolady
commencer à apprendre
a bar of chocolate
commencer à apprendre
a remote control
ciężka kurtka
commencer à apprendre
a heavy jacket
ciepła kurtka
commencer à apprendre
warm jacket

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