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when he was at the doctor's
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She doesn't have to work.
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Wczoraj musiałam rozładować zmywarkę commencer à apprendre
Yesterday I had to unload the dishwasher
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nie musialem isc do pracy commencer à apprendre
I didn't have to go to work
Czy musiała zrobic zakupy? commencer à apprendre
Did she have to do shopping?
W sobotę MUSZĘ zrobić zakupy commencer à apprendre
On Saturday I WILL HAVE TO do shopping
W niedzielę NIE MUSIAŁEM pracować commencer à apprendre
On Sunday I DIDN'T HAVE TO work
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jaka jest różnica pomiędzy... commencer à apprendre
What is the difference between...
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nie musialam placic rachunków commencer à apprendre
I didn't have to pay the bills
Musiał posprzątać lodówkę commencer à apprendre
He had to tidy up the fridge
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kontynuować, dalej coś robić commencer à apprendre
carry on talking = continue
on nie musial opiekowac sie dzickiem commencer à apprendre
He didn't have to take care of a baby
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She has to do the laundry / washing
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pierwszy, drugi, trzeci, czwarty, piąty commencer à apprendre
the first, the second, the Third, the FourTH, the Fifth
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myślałam, że bedzie trudno commencer à apprendre
I thought, it would be difficult
oni byli w swietle reflektorow (centrum uwagi) commencer à apprendre
they were in the spotlight (center of attention)
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drawbacks / disadvantages / flaws /minus / cons
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dobry w czymś - słaby w czymś commencer à apprendre
Jestem dobry w pieczeniu ciast. commencer à apprendre
I'm good AT baking cakes.
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Oni sa beznadziejni w siatkowce commencer à apprendre
They are hopeless AT volleyball.
mam nadzieje ze bedzie dobrze commencer à apprendre
I hope X that it will be good
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zastanawiam się, jak długo to zajmie commencer à apprendre
I wonder how long it will take
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cos mi wypadlo i nie moge isc na kurs commencer à apprendre
something has come up and i can't go to a course
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