Lesson - 21.10.2022

 0    18 fiche    jessehandley
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from cover to cover, cover to cover
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od deski do deski
the book is very dense
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książka jest bardzo gęsta
nuclear power plant
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elektrownia atomowa
piggy bank
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świnka skarbonka
pocket change
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zmiana kieszeni
spare change
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credit history
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Historia kredytowa
apartment renovation
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remont mieszkania
savings account, deposit account
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konto oszczędnościowe, konto depozytowe
out of sight out of mind
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co z oczu to z serca
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in the hole (idiom)
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w dziurze (idiom)
work is a blessing
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praca jest błogosławieństwem
harness the power
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wykorzystać moc
saying, adage
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mówiąc, przysłowie
extra-curricular activities
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zajęcia dodatkowe
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at the seaside
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na wybrzeżu

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