Leksykologia idiomy

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kill two birds with one stone
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produce two useful results by just doing one acrion
in the blink of an eye
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in an extremely short time
a bone of contention
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something which people argue and disagree over
as dry as a bone
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very dry indeed
rough and ready
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crude and lacking sophistication
cool, calm and collected
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relaxed, in control, not nervous
to cut a long story short
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to tell the main points but not all the fine detail
get a (real) kick out of sth
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very much enjoy doing sth
do sth for kick
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do sth because it's exciting, usually sth dangerous
jump for joy
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be very happy and excited about sth that has happened
be floating/walking on air
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be very happy about sth good
sth makes your day
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sth makes you feel very happy
thrilled to bits
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Feeling pleasure and happiness (She was thrilled to bits with her present.)
on top of the world
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extremely happy (She was feeling on top of the world.)
on cloud nine
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to be extremely happy and excited ("Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? She was on cloud nine!")
over the moon
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to be very pleased: (She was over the moon about/with her new bike.)
in seventh heaven
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extremely happy (Since they got married, they’re in seventh heaven.)
out of sorts
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in an unhappy mood: (Peter overslept this morning and has been out of sorts all day.)
down in the dumps
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unhappy: She's a bit down in the dumps because she failed one of her exams.
just grin and bear it
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robić dobrą minę do złej gry
a misery guts
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ponurak, smutas
sour grapes
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being jealous about sth you can’t have
put a damper on
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stop an occasion from being enjoyable
at my wits' end
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trying to keep things in order
go off the deep =blow a fuse
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to get very angry about something or lose control of yourself
give someone an earful = give someone a piece of your mind
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tell someone how angry you ar ewith them
drive someone up the wall
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make someone angry
put his back up
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annoy someone
did his nut =blow a fuse
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be very angry or worried
rubbed him up the wrong way
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annoy sm
sent him around the bend
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make sm very angry
fed up with
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bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long: fed up with I'm fed up with my job.
had it up to here
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to have suffered because of someone or something and to be no longer able to bear him, her, or it: I've had it up to here with you - get out!
have/throw a fit
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to become very angry or worried, often shouting a lot: She'll throw a fit when she sees the mess you've made.
go off the deep end =go spare
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do his nuts =bliw a fuse
after someones blood
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you want to catch them in order to hurt or punish them. to be very angry with someone and threatening to harm them
out for blood
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you are determined to find someone to attack the. or blame for sth bad that has happened
drive/send someoen round the bend/twist
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make sm very angry
get/put sm up the wrong way
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make sm annoyed
ruffle someone's feathers
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make sm annoyed
put/send the cat among the pigeons
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do or say sth that makes a lot of people angry or worried
not be on speaking terms
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be so angry with each other that they refuse to speak to each other
know inside out
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knows every detail of it
knows his stuff
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has a very good knowlegde of it
has a familiar ring to it
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it sounds familiar
rings a bell
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(you know) I have vague memomry of someone with tha tname but can't remember exactly
don't have a clue
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don't know at all
don't have the faintest idea
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really don't know at all
don't have the foggiest (idea)
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I absolutely don't know at all
i can't for the life of me
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I can't remember at all
out of touch with
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I used to know about them but don't know the latest developments
got (hold of) the wrong end of the stick
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to not understand a situation correctly
put it down to experience
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sth bad has happened but you decided to learn from it instead of being upset by it
know where I stand
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yoh don't know your position is or what your situation is with someone and it's worrying
give me food for thought
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sth happens or sm says sth that makes you think very seriously about it
got the message
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someone finally becomes aware of a fact
set/put the record straight
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you tell the truth facts to sm who has beleived a diffrent set of facts up to that moment
heard it on/through the grapevine
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heard it from sm who heard it from sm else
a figment of imagination
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sth you have imagined which is not true
lost sign of
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forgotten a central important fact or truth about sth
what beats me
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what I can not understand
the ins and outs of sth
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the details of
makes all the diffrence
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has a very good effect on a situation or a thing
works/goes/runs like a dream
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goes very well indeed
works like magic
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works immidiately and very well
goes from strength to strength
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gets better and better
does the trick
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solves problem very well
is the be all-and-end-all (of sth)
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is the msot important thing
is/turns out to be a blessing in disguise
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has a good effect even tho at first it seemed it would be bad
sm/sth is a victim of their own success
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their/its success has negative effects as well as or instead of positive ones
someone doesn't have the ghost of a chance
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they have no chance at all
sm/lsth gives up the ghost
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they/it stops working or they stop trying to succed bc they know they will not

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