Leksjon 4

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question réponse
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tend (miec w zwyczju)
ganske bra
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pretty good
ikke sant
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right (nieprawdaz)
flink i
Oznacza bycie dobrym w konkretnej dziedzinie, przedmiocie lub obszarze nauki.
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good at
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commencer à apprendre
ikke så verst
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not bad
Jeg lærer mye
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I learn a lot
Hvor gammel er du
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How old are you
Når kom du til Norge
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When did you come to Norway
Jeg kom til Norge for 2 månder siden
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I have come to Norway 2 months ago
Hver dag
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every day
Hva sier du?
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What do you say?
Er du gift?
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Are you married?
et år
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en time
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ei uke
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a week

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