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sztuka rządzenia państwem commencer à apprendre
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niemrawy, ociężały, ospały (o osobie) commencer à apprendre
moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power: 1. A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon. 2. Something is wrong with the car - the engine feels sluggish. 3. The housing market has been very sluggish these past few years.
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(MORAL) moral in an honest, brave, and kind way: a noble gesture His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.
małomówny, powściągliwy w słowach commencer à apprendre
unwilling to speak about your thoughts or feelings: He is very reticent about his past. Most of the students were reticent about answering questions.
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existing very commonly or happening often: These diseases are more prevalent among young children. Trees are dying in areas where acid rain is most prevalent.
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used to describe a product, service, or financial arrangement on which no taxes have to be paid: The poorest families pay no tax on food because their food stamp purchases are tax-exempt.
1. element, część składowa, element 2. wyborca (z danego regionu) commencer à apprendre
constituent noun [C] (PART) Add to word list one of the parts that a substance or combination is made of: constituent of What are the basic constituents of the mixture?
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(REMOVE PEOPLE) Add to word list [T ] to get rid of people from an organization because you do not agree with them: Party leaders have undertaken to purge the party of extremists.
czynić dygresję, odbiegać (od tematu) commencer à apprendre
to move away from the main subject you are writing or talking about and to write or talk about something else: 1. But I digress. To get back to what I was saying, this poem reflects the poet's love of nature and his religious beliefs. 2. digress from The lecturer temporarily digressed from her subject to deal with a related theory.
rozłożyć coś rozłożyć w czasie commencer à apprendre
Spread the blanket out to dry. If you have a lot of work, you can spread it.
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traktuj ograniczenia jako funkcję, a nie błąd commencer à apprendre
treat constrains as a feature not as a bug
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