lekcja powtórkowa Present Simple

 0    40 fiche    joannaasia16
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question réponse
mieszkam w dużym domu
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I live in big house
Nie gram w baseball
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I don't play baseball
czy mówisz po polsku?
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do you speak Polish?
Skąd pochodzisz?
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Where do you come from?
W jakim języku mówi się w Iralandii?
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What language do they speak in Iraland?
Myślę, że to Irlandczycy
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I think they're Irish
Ja nie wiem. Myślę, że to Włosi
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I don't. I think they're Italian
Czy pijesz angielską herbatę?
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Do you drink English tea?
Yes, I do
Czy masz japoński samochód?
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Do you have a Japanese car?
no, I don't
ile kosztuje kanapka z serem?
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how much is a cheese sandwich?
mówią dwoma językami
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they speak two languages
nie mówią po francusku
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they don't speak french
o której godzinie wstajesz?
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what time do you get up?
Wstaję 7. 15
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I get up 7. 15
O której godzinie jesz śniadanie?
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What time do you have breakfast?
śniadanie mam o 7
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I have breakfast at 7
jest 5.15
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is 5.15
O której godzinie wstaje?
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What time does she get up?
ona wstaje o 6
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she gets up at 6
kiedy ona idzie spać?
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when does she go to bed?
czy jeździ do pracy samochodem?
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dose she go to work by car?
no, she doesn't
czy ona je obiad w domu?
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dose she have lunch at home?
kim ona jest?
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who's she?
ona jest moją siostrą
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she's my sister
odjeżdża o 8
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it leaves at 8
ona słucha
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she listens
on odchodzi
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he leaves
to chodzi
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it walks
ona ogląda
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she watches
on robi
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he does
ona idzie
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she goes
ona ma
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she has
on nie wychodzi wieczorem
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he doesn't go out in the evening
ona nie jada w restauracji
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she doesn't eat in a restaurant
Co on je na obiad?
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What does he have for lunch?
Gdzie ona pracuje?
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Where does she work?
o której godzinie kładzie się spać?
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what time does he go to bed?
Kiedy on wychodzi z pracy?
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When does he leave work?
Czy on lubi piłkę nożną?
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Does he like football?
yes, he does
czy ona mówi po angielsku?
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does she speak English?
no, she doesn't

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