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grice (theory of rational cooperation)
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in simple terms, Grice's cooperative principle means that when you're talking with someone, share information that fits the purpose of the conversation at the right time, it's like working together logically in a conversation
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share enough information, but not too much
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Speak the truth based on what you know
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keep your contributions on topic
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Be clear and concise, avoid being confusing or ambiguous
Follow the rules (Maxims)
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normally, people stick to the rules in conversations
Use a hedge
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if someone wants to step back from the rules, they might use a phrase that softens the impact. This is called a hedge
Break the rules on purpose (Flout)
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Sometimes, people knowingly ignore the rules just for effect
Break the rules seriously (Violate)
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in rare cases, someone might break the rules seriously, like telling a direct lie

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