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are statements that describe facts, like "the sun rises in the east"
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are sentences that don't just describe but also perform an action such as "I promise to help"
explicit performatives
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are like magic words that directly do what they say "i apologize" isn't just talking about it, it's actually apologizing
implicit performatives
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are like reading between the lines instead of directly saying something, you pick up on hints or context to understand the speaker's real action
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S believes X (statement like "the earth is flat" where someone is expressing what they believe)
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S causes X ("i pronounce you man and wife" where saying it makes it true or official)
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S feels X (Expressing feelings "I am sorry")
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S wants X (Commands or requests, like "don't touch that!" where someone is telling another person what to do
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S intends X (Committing to future actions, such as "I will be back" or making promises like "We will not do that"
Declarative (Statement)
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Direct: the party starts at 8 /// Indirect: I wonder when the party starts
Interrogative (Question)
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Direct: Did you finish your homework? /// Indirect: Could you tell me if you finished your homework?
Imperative (Command)
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Direct: close the door /// Indirect: Could you please close the door?

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