Lecture 0 and 1

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question język polski réponse język polski
What are algorithms?
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Algorithms are some well-defined set of instructions, steps, or logic, written such that by following the steps, some specific task is accomplished.
The steps of algorithms design are:
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Obtain a description of the problem, Analyze the problem, Develop a high-level algorithm, Refine the algorithm by adding more detail, Review the algorithm
The major factor in speeding up your getting results is:
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The algorithm
Which is the most appropriate definition for recursion?
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A function that calls another execution instance of the same function.
Problems that can only be defined recursively can be solved using recursion.
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Which of the following statement is false?
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Every recursive function must have a return value.
Factorial function
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num * fact(num - 1)
Recursion is the process of describing an action in terms of itself.
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A recursive function may or may not have a recursive case.
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A factorial is the product of an integer and all the positive integers greater than it.
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Only problems that are recursively defined can be solved using recursion.
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