Learn Wolof Lesson 1

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question réponse
How are you?
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Na nga déf?
I am fine
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Ma ngi fi.
What is your name?
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No tudu?
My name is Thomas
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Ma ngi tudu Thomas
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commencer à apprendre
dét dét
Thank you
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rolling r
I would like to buy...
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Jaay ma...
long a, down to i
I would like to buy a ticket
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Jaay ma ticket
long a, down to i
How much is it / does it cost?
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Gnata lay jar
lay -> Engelse a
It's expensive
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dafa chère
Where can I find ...?
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... laay sèèt?
first place
Where can I find a hotel?
commencer à apprendre
hotel laay sèèt?

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