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question réponse
Do you prefer to drink still or sparkling water?
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Preferisci bere l'aqua liscia o frizzante?
a piece of
sztuka, kawałek
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un pezzo di
un pezzo di pane, un pezzo di me - część mnie, kawałek mnie
Do you want a slice?
kawałek, plasterek
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Vuoi una fetta?
una fetta di formaggio
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la sabbia
The wave
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the seaside
promenada, nabrzeże
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il lungomare
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la ciotola
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la forchetta
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il coltello
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il cucchiaio
sooner or later
wcześniej czy później
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prima o poi
at least
chociaż, przynajmniej, co najmniej
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not even
też nie, nawet nie, również nie
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Can I trust you?
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posso fidarmi di te?
fidare, fidarsi
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dovrei, dovresti, dovrebbe, dovremmo, dovreste, dovrebbero
I should not
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Non dovrei
I'd like to
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mi piacerebbe
I'm thinking of
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sto pensando di
I decided to
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ho deciso di
I'd better
Lepiej że, żebym
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Farei meglio a/ad
I desire
chciałbym, pragnę, życzę sobie
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I have to go on foot
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mi tocca andare a piedi
I'd rather not.
wolałbym nie
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Preferirei di no.
about it
w tej kwestii
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al riguardo
al riguardo w tym zakresie, w tej sprawie
We accept/agree to
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Accettiamo/accetto di
I have a different opinion
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ho un'opinione diversa
I'd like to hear it
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mi piacerebbe sentirlo
co wiecej, ponadto, poza tym
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inoltre, per di più
neither... nor...
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nè... nè...
however, but
Jednakże, ale
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però=ma (tuttavia)
chociaż, mimo że
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sebbene=anche se
in fact
w rzeczywistości, zatem
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w związku z tym, dlatego też
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pertanto=per questo
in short
krótko mówiąc
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in breve/ brevemente
so that
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Affinchè = in modo che
dopóki do czasu
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As soon
jak tylko
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Non appena
Rather than
zamiast, raczej
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chyba ze
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a meno che
everywhere, wherever
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mimo wszystko, bez względu na
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A prescindere da
w odróżnieniu
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A differenza di
shall we take a walk?
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facciamo due passi?
I'm glad to hear it
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mi fa piacere
What a surprise!
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Che sorpresa!
See you tomorrow!
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A domani!
as usual
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come al solito
Everything is alright/fine
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Va tutto bene
If it rains we won't go out
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Se piove non usciremo
In case you come let me know
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nel caso che tu venga fammi sapere
I'll help you on condition that you pay me
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Ti aiuto a condizione che tu mi paghi
as long as
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sempre che
In case it rains I will bring an umbrella
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nel caso in cui piova porterò un ombrello
I won't go unless you come with me
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Non andrò a meno che tu non venga con me
I'll lend you the free one on condition that you give it back to me
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Ti presto il libero a patto che me lo restituisca
the lights, candles
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i lumini
robust and muscular
silny, krzepki i muskularny
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robusto e muscoloso
from someone
od kogoś
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da qualcuno
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they are more or less the same height
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hanno più o meno la setessa altezza
the broth
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il brodo
the cans
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le scatolette
driver's license
prawo jazdy
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la patente
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la folla
from what I remember
z tego co pamiętam
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da quello che ricordo
short/long-sleeved t-shirt
koszula z krótkim/długim rękawkiem
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maglietta con le maniche corte/lunghe
short sleeve t-shirt
koszulka z krótkim rękawem
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maglietta a mezze maniche
I'm not hungry and I'm not even thirsty
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Non ho fame e non ho peppure sete
I'm neither tall nor short
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io non sono alta e nemmeno bassa
I'm neither tall nor short
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io non nè alta nè bassa
I didn't study anything! Me neither
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Io non ho studiato niente! Neppure io
even though I'm tired I'm not going to sleep
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sebbene sia stanca non vado a dormire
speak as you eat!
określenie kiedy ktoś mówi trudne wyszukane słowa
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parla come mangi!
I love Italy very much so I decided to leave for Umbria next month
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amo molto L'italia pertanto ho deciso di partile il mese prossimo per l'Umbria
do it like this
zrób to tak l, w ten sposób
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fai così
I'm so sick
jestem taka chora
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sono così malata
he is very bad. He is so
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lui è molto cattivo. È così
È così = tak jest
that's fine!
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così va bene!

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